I would be asking my english teacher to do this, but she just had a baby and is on maternity leave for the rest of the year and all the substitute has been doing is giving us practice tests that don’t get scored. So help and constructive criticism is greatly appreciated so please be honest but not a douchebag:) ,especially since the exam is this Wednesday.
So here is the link for the directions and sources: http://apcentral.collegeboard.com/apc/public/repository/ap08_eng_lang_frq.pdf
And here is the link for the scoring guidelines:
And here is my essay: :D
To eradicate the penny from our country’s coinage system would be wasteful to consumers and detrimental to the commemoration of our nations history.
For our country to be rid of the penny would be wasteful to the average consumer. Though many of the advocates of the eradication of the penny support their argument with studies that claim that pennies are a waste of time at a rate of “4 hours per person per year”(source B) and that the “presence of pennies wastes 20 seconds per day(source B), these arguments are immediately countered by the fact that pennies are profitable and useful for the average consumer. For instance, Edmund Knowles figured he had saved an average of about 90 pennies a day for the past 38 years: one his counter, in jugs, and finally in 55-gallon drums in his garage. In June, he had 4.5 tons of spare change recycled through Coinstar, that equated to $13,084.59…”(source B) Based on this study, can allowing the continuation of penny production really be "a waste of time(Source B), if through the time used to keep pennies one makes a profit?
The continuation of the production of pennies allows the country to commemorate and acknowledge the foundations of our country’s history. Though the penny is small and appears to be of little importance and “unnecessary”(source A) the penny is actually “the most visible and tangible of Lincoln’s significance in American history.” This is due to the fact that the penny features “an image emblematic of the President Lincoln’s preservation of the United States of American as a single and united country”( source F) Not only that, but the penny helps commemorate one of the important foundations of our country, freedom, with the words liberty imprinted on it(source G).
Ultimately, the penny is very significant to our country’s History and its consumers.So it would be unjust to call something so in tune and woven in our country’s history and economy as “a waste of time”(source B)
Also, please be aware that this was written under a time limit of 40 minutes.