<p>My unweighted gpa is 3.97 and because I'm doing full running start program which highschool juniors and seniors take classes at cc college and graduate with aa degree and hs diploma. At cc, gpa is 3.82
For test scores, ACT 29 and SAT subject test math level 2 620 and physics 600. I know my scores are bad but for physics I took it w/o having taken the class before so will that be a plus?</p>
<p>For activities, I have acquired about 250~300 hours from library volunteering and korean school teacher assistant. I also had been a member of keyclub for freshmen and sophomore year and was a trainee for sports medical training for a year. </p>
<p>So far, I have applied to Cornell, USC, syracuse, uw, cal poly and going to apply to pratt, risd, and sci-arch and the major is architecture.</p>
<p>I believe that my portfolio and essay are pretty okay (esp. for personal statement since I toom honors 100 which helped writing the essay a lot) But since the chances of going to those colleges are so slim so I'm worried.</p>
<p>BTW my demographics is female asian.</p>
<p>Thank you!</p>
<p>Sent from my SGH-T989 using CC</p>