Please tell me my CHANCES!!! THANKS :)


<p>SO I REALLLYYYYY want to go to these colleges, but...... my GPA is pretty crap, however I do IB which is a demanding course and I take as many Higher Levels as possible</p>

<p>Freshman: 3.8
Junior: 3.4
Senior: Dont no yet
I am in the National High School Scholars</p>

<p>My Extra Cirriculars are alrite</p>

<p>I have been in the Philippines for 2 weeks building houses for underpriveleged
I am the newspaper editor
I am a Black Belt in Karate
I am Debating Captain</p>

<p>And my SAT is 2200</p>

<p>What are my chances for</p>

<p>Middlebury - Really want to go there
Trinity College - Really Want to go there
Grinnell- Really Want to go there
Colgate - Really Want to go there
Connecticut College
George Washington
Kenyon College - Really want to go there</p>

<p>THANKS!! =)</p>

<p>I know only Reed, but you don’t really want to go there, and your falling GPA is troublesome, so I’d guess low reach, but you never know, since SAT & GPA make up only 20% of criteria. Happy hunting! :)</p>

<p>Thanks! Whts wrong with Reed???</p>

<p>I only know a few… so…</p>

<p>Trinity College - Low Reach (GPA)
Colgate - High Match/ Low Reach
Bard - Match
Connecticut College - Match
Brown - Reach
George Washington - High Match/ Reach</p>

<p>great SATs! Chance me back? <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Your gpa is low and it falls throughout high school which is bad.</p>

<p>Middlebury - match
Smith - match
Trinity College - low reach
Grinnell- idk
Macalester - match
Colgate - idk
Bard - match
Reed - match
Connecticut College - match
Bowdoin - match
Brown - reach
George Washington - high match
Kenyon College - idk</p>

<p>Thanks for ur chancing guys, I really appreciate it =) . About my GPA, it has fallen since I have moved during my secondary years from two completely different testing systems. I originally went to a school which had a really easy testing system and there was a large variety of GPA’s. However now I go to a school where I do IB and everyone used to be the top person in their school. So u cant really compare my Gpa from Freshman to now because the schools are so different. Will the unis take tht into account?</p>

<p>It’s not that something is wrong with Reed; you said
Colgate - Really Want to go there
but you didn’t say
Reed - Really Want to go there
You might want your counselor to explain the change in GPA scales.</p>

<p>O, ok thanks :)</p>

<p>Honestly, everything seems like a good match but Brown. Brown may be the one that may scrutinize your GPA and use your “low” GPA (It’s not low, but ITO, it may be considered that). I’m not saying your not going to get in - but, I think you have a better chance at the other schools listed. Don’t give up though, you never know; the admissions game next year is going to be crazy.</p>

<p>haha bro you got ripped off by doing the National High School Scholars that is actually a complete rip off and won’t mean ANYTHING to the colleges you apply to</p>