<p>xchef=Former Executive Chef</p>
<p>Never a chief only an OS2 (AIC)
Operations Specialist second class. AIC= Air Intercept Controller</p>
<p>You know that guy who sits at the radar screen in topgun and tells the CAG? (bald guy with the cigar)how far away the bad guys are and where Maverick is......</p>
<p>Figured out I was good at cooking on my Mess Tour as an E-2 filled in (instead of the usual dishes and potato peeling) for some overly hung over mess cooks one morning and the wardroom was very happy with the french toast and cheesy eggs like Momma made. MSC tried to get me to cross deck over to his division. I liked working in the air conditioned CIC (now CDC) than I did over a hot griddle. After my EAOS I found that you always had work if you knew how to cook. And did that successfully for many years. Worked my way up to Executive Chef. And That is my story.....</p>