Please tell me this is not true

<p>Posted on Gomids today</p>

<p>Is this a practical joke or is this for real. Parents please step up and check with your kids or Jacktraveler please check in.</p>

<p>Posted: Today 3:48 PM</p>

<p>Re: "Brigade" Name Changed To "Fleet" </p>


<p>In speaking with several MIDS this afternoon, at the beginning of 2008, USNA terminology is being officially changed to as follows:</p>

<p>Brigade changed to Fleet</p>

<p>Battalion changed to Division</p>

<p>Company changed to Department</p>

<p>Platoon changed to ????</p>

<p>Squad changed to Shop</p>

<p>I have a feeling that if this is true, it will make a lot of people upset. Seems kind of silly to change now, eh?</p>

<p>Is a 'shop' really a military organizational unit?</p>

<p>OMG I hope that's not true. Surely the powers that be have better things to do than change the name of the Brigade.</p>

<p>You sure this is not from Salty Sam? It sounds like his work.</p>

<p>didn't see it on However, judging by the fact that the new names make no sense, I calling the bs flag.... i.e. a division is smaller than a department, and I'd also challenge the fact that a "shop" is a military unit... I would think an ex-chief would pick up on that, although given recent events, I guess it would be wrong of me to assume that your a retired chief</p>

<p>I believe it's ex-chef, like a guy who cooks food.</p>

<p>chef not chief - lol</p>

<p>executive chef.....;) - did I get that right, Mike?</p>

<p>Maybe we should watch the names and titles...JAM, are you sure you're a mom? That's a big title to be throwing around!! Or, are you a "just" mom? Maybe a retired judge? there's so much to read into forum names....</p>

<p>Ummm yeah, I feel stupid, especially considering my brother is a chef</p>

<p>Hate to say it, but it may be true. Seems lots of Mids are reporting it to parents, sponsors etc. </p>

<p>Checkout the gomids wardroom, there's a thread about it.</p>

<p>found the thread in question and checked with some firstie friends. They know nothing as of now... Even if it is going around, I learned a long time ago that false rumors spread through the brigade like wildfire. For now, I remain skeptical</p>

<p>Just spoke to Youngster son. He checked his email for messages about this, and said he had nothing. Didn't get to speak to the Plebe. Not saying it isn't true, but I have to say that I doubt it. Clever disinformation, perhaps?</p>

<p>Nope. Not a thing in my email. Probably just rumors going around so that people will dislike Jeff more.</p>


I think chiefs are probably like Marines, "once an Marine, always a Marine". No such thing as an ex-Marine and probably no such thing as an ex-chief.</p>

<p>I've heard about it but nothing "official."</p>

<p>I haven't heard anything, and I'm in USNA Dad&Grad's youngster son's company.</p>

<p>I heard about it today. WE talked about it at tables. Apparantly it is true. Or it's just a very fast spreading rumor. Oh man. This is ridiculous.</p>

<p>I hear Squad Leader is going to be changed to Shop Manager</p>

<p>kidding... but I wouldn't be surprised</p>

<p>Sounds like a wild rumor, or maybe even a strange practical joke, to me. </p>

<p>Those new names don't have the ring of truth to me; I'm throwing my personal B.S. flag here......</p>