<p>What are my chances?</p>
<p>I'm enrolled in a selective program at my school called Scholars' Centre for the Humanities. This enables me to take classes only offered to students in my program. I don't know how much weight this actually holds...</p>
<p>9th grade:
Honors Literature Art I - B
Process Skills I (note: not remedial, contrary to name) - A-
Honors World Cultures - B-
French II - B+
Geometry - B
Health - A
Phys Ed - A
Lab Bio - B-</p>
<p>10th grade:
Honors Lit Art II - B
Process Skills II - B
AP US Cultures I - C+ (teacher was a jerk, to say the least)
Algebra II - C+
French III - A-
Lab Chem - B-
Phys Ed - A
Drivers' Ed - A</p>
<p>11th grade: (note: these final scores are guesses)
Honors Lit Art III - B+ or B
Honors American Art History - A+
AP US Cultures II - A or A-
Pre-Calc - B-
Honors French IV - A
Physics - A
Phys Ed - A
First Aid - A+</p>
<p>Next year's classes:
AP English
Honors Modern American Cultures
Philosophy of Art/Philosophy of Music
AP Statistics
AP Psychology
Human Conscience/Criminal Law and Justice (non-academic electives)</p>
<p>SAT Scores:
math: 660
critical reading: 650
writing: 640</p>
<p>ACT score: 31</p>
<p>SAT II scores:
US History - 640
Literature - 740</p>
<p>weighted GPA: 3.68 (as of soph year), unweighted probably around 3.4?</p>
<p>i plan on retaking the SAT I and taking the SAT II Math IC in the fall...</p>
forensics (debate) - 1 year
mock trial juror - 2 years
editor-in-chief of literary magazine - 3 years
gay-straight-alliance - 2 years
care (community service club) - 2 years
french club - 2 years
french tutor - 1 year
odyssey of the mind (creativity thing) - 1 year
tennis team - 1 year, trying out again next fall
not much community service, volunteering at the first aid squad soon-- and they require 20hrs/month, so hopefully i will stack some up</p>
french honor society
national science merit award in physics
trying out for nhs next year</p>
<p>And here are my colleges:
Boston U
College of Willian & Mary
Cornell (more for my mom)
Lehigh (my favorite so far)
Tufts (another of my favorites)
University of Delaware
UNC - Chapel Hill
Wake Forest</p>
<p>i deliberately left out my safeties, because that put the list at 17! (definitely going to be slimmed before the fall... but thank god for the common application)</p>
<p>if you can think of any ways for me to improve, please let me know!</p>