PLEASEEE chance me!

<p>winter term of junior year i was medicated with ADD
I was in all regular classes at a very prestigious boarding school in CT and had a low b/high b- average
this fall term senior year i have
advanced history: a-
advanced science: a-
ap stats: b
latin 3: B+
english: b+</p>

<p>1910/2400 on SAT
610 reading 650 math
lit subject test 590
math 2c: 650 (begining of junior year when i wasnt medicated I took math1 and got a 550 and i got a 650 on math2 with meds same year)
been doing EXTENSIVE community service for 11 years
have my own non profit that started 4 years ago that has made a profound impact on my community and is going national and is in 3 states
model UN 2 years
debate team 3 years
foreign policy association 2 years (very selective group given to 25 of the brightest upperclassmen history students)<br>
capt. of JV squash team #1 on ladder (cold possibly walk on to D3 team)
tour guide for admissions-3 years (must be selected out of large applicant pool)
my community service is my main thing and ive invested my entire life into it </p>

<p>what are my chances at:
bryn mawr-ed2</p>

<p>my BM interview went very well. 1+ hours long said I was "very eloquent" and couldnt believe the extent to which I've involved myself in my schools community
elon (havent built any dialog yet)-reg
santa clara-EA

<p>also, i went to a private school when i was younger and they offered me a full ride scholarship (worth 100,000) to stay there for HS but I turned it down to go to my boarding school and I was awarded a scholarship here that i’ve been holding for four years
i’ve received multiple service awards as well and given speeches pertaining to my own service work/youth in service</p>