Pls chance me!!!

<p>ey guys, i intend to apply to Hendrix in the fall 2009. Would you guys pls help me chance? Thanks in advance!
1, My chance of getting in?
2, Anything can be improved???</p>

<p>GPA: 10th: 8.6/10 (I think this is equivalent to 3.7~3.8 in the US)
11th: 8.6/10
SAT I : 1830 (soooooooooooooooo low, actually I had some probs on my test day. I had never expected to have that terrible score T________<em>T. I’ll retake SAT1 this Nov T</em>T)
SAT II: Math I: 740 (super low)
Math II: 800</p>


<p>SJ Vietnam (Solidarites Jeunesses Vietnam)- Volunteer
3R Hanoi project -Volunteer
Vietnamese Youth Volunteer (VYV)-Translator
Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) - Translator
VietAbroader Conference Hanoi 2008- Passing of the Torch -Public Relation officer
Vietnam Youth Forum (Hanoi International School) - Member
Non profit Link project -Projector- Website Content Group
Sports: badminton, basketball</p>

<p>Honor class: Hanoi Amsterdam high school for the gifted</p>

<p>The thing is, my family can contribute only about 6k per year. I'll have to apply for a lot of financial assistance. T______T</p>

<p>I'm a Hendrix junior and I'm pretty sure you'll be fine. I really don't know about how you will do financial aid wise though. Hendrix is usually pretty generous for students that it wants though. Good luck!</p>

<p>Hi, my daughter goes to Hendrix. I think you have an excellent chance of getting in. The fact that you are from another country is very much in your favor acceptance-wise, as Hendrix seeks a diverse student body. I really don’t know anything about how much financial aid they give to non-US students, though. Good luck!</p>

<p>My DD is a junior at Hendrix and based on your stats, activities, and international student status, I would think you have a very good chance of acceptance. I would think you would be eligible for some type of scholarship, but I don’t really know how financial aid (grants, loans, etc.) works for international students. Good luck!</p>

<p>Ark and Splash, you both indicated that being int’l would enhance OP’s application. Arkmom, you specifically said that int’l status would help b/c the college seekis a diverse student body. </p>

<p>Is most of that diversity in the form of int’l students - - as opposed to urm US students? And what about geog diversity? Or economic diversity?</p>

<p>nyc, you asked about diversity. This is from the Hendrix website: </p>

<p>“Students: More than 1,200 from 37 states and nine countries; 13 percent minority enrollment.” (I think that is probably last year’s info, as the website states in another section that about 1300 students are enrolled and “thirty-four states and ten countries are represented in the student body.”)</p>

<p>Geographically, I’m sure there are more students from the southwest/southeast/midwest than other areas of the US. Hendrix is a hidden gem and not as well-known on the east/west coasts. About half of the students are from Arkansas.</p>

<p>As to economic diversity:</p>

<p>“99 percent of students receive some form of achievement-based and/or need-based state, federal, or institutional assistance; $17,627 average award.” (Current tuition/room/board/fees = $34,030.) Personally, I can tell you that there’s no way I could afford to send my DD there without her financial aid package! :-)</p>

<p>The info on the web-site and your post prompted my question re: racial diversity. A minority enrollment of 13% is fairly low. Many LACs have a minority enrollment of 20% or better (with Asian enrollment of close to 10%). If, as with other schools, most of the Hendrix minority enrollment is Asian, then the urn enrollment wourl be VERY low - - probably around 3% each for black and Latino students. </p>

<p>We are a black family and a critical mass of black stdent is high on our list of priorities. Hendrix looks great on paper, but I find it hard to imagine D comfortable on a campus with 30-35 black students - - or one of 4-5 black female students in an entering class of only 8-9 black students.</p>

<p>As for econ diversity, lumping need-based finaid with non-need based merit aid renders the 99% figure pretty much useless. I’m glad, though, that the finaid award met your family’s need.</p>

<p>Hi there, nyc. I just chatted with my daughter via Skype and was asking her some of the questions you asked here. She told me Hendrix isn’t really known for its diversity, but they are trying to change that. Regarding black students, Hendrix has something called Students for Black Culture. That club has 161 members, but DD says most of them are white, as she believes there are approximately 40-45 black students on campus. That number may be fairly accurate as information I have found on the internet report anywhere from 48-51 black students there. I can certainly understand your desire to have a larger percentage of black students at the school your DD chooses, and I’m not sure why there is such a low percentage of blacks at Hendrix. According to some info I found online, Conway (the town where Hendrix is located) has a population of 59,262. Of that number, 6,888 are black. I really believe Hendrix is a great school that wants great students, no matter their color, religion, lifestyle, bank account, etc. Below is some information I found online regarding financial aid at Hendrix.
Financial Aid Applicants: 901 (74.6%) of undergraduates
Found to Have Need: 692 (57.3%) of applicants
Received Financial Aid: 692 (100.0%) of applicants with financial need
Need Fully Met: 275 (39.7%) of aid recipients
Avg. Pct. of Need Met: 83%
Average Award: $19,017
Need-Based Gift: Received by 686 (99.1%) of aid recipients, average amount $14,631
Merit-Based Gift Received by 190 (27.5%) of aid recipients
Merit-Based Gift Received by 506 (41.9%) of undergraduates without need, average amount $17,618</p>

<p>It sounds like you’re doing a great job of researching all aspects of the schools in which your DD may be interested. I do hope you’ll contact Hendrix and speak with someone in admissions who can answer your questions much more accurately than I. Good luck in the search. I’m sure whatever decision your family makes will be a happy one.</p>

<p>SplashM, thanks for the report from your D. I was just had just checked several college directory/review sites for the finaid and diversity info, but I know that the figures reported can be a bit out of date. As I said, Hendrix sounds like a great school - - I’m just trying to figure out whether it’s right for D - - and whether it drops to the apply-and-see-what-happens list or get bumped up to the “A” list.</p>

<p>If I can answer any more questions, I’ll be happy to give it a shot. I know this time (college shopping) can be very stressful. Take a deep breath, make some comparisons on paper, visit if you can, and make an informed decision. Everything will work out just fine. Good luck!</p>

<p>SplashMom, any idea of Hispanic enrollment? S is a junior, so we’re just starting our research.</p>

<p>^^^ I think it’s approx. 4%, about the same as black enrollment.</p>