PLTW Computer Science

I am a junior and my school is very into PLTW (Project Lead The Way). I decided to do Computer Science Principles for my elective class because I figured that it would be interesting, even though I have no intention to study computer science in college. I hate it. I’m bored and uninvested in what we are working on, and really want to drop the class. However, I thought it might look good on a college application. Do I keep with it, even though I hate it? If I weren’t taking it, the only two other things I could do would be taking a study hall or doing another PLTW course - Environmental Sustainability. Now, at least that counts as a UC certified lab science - which I am lacking many of. Last year I took a PLTW course (Human Body Systems) instead of biology and freshmen year we were all required to take Intro to Engineering Design - even those who had no interest in engineering. I am also taking Chem Honors this year but should I do two lab sciences to get myself back on track? I hate comp sci and my teacher actually doesn’t know anything about computer science - he took a summer course in it to get certified to teach it but doesn’t know how to code at all. I feel like I’m wasting my time in this class but I don’t know what to do.

A good CS principles course should give you an idea of how CS relates to other subjects and other useful knowledge about CS even if you do not later study CS. But if your course does not do that, it may not be very useful.

Choose which course is more interesting to you and keeps you on track for college application requirements.

CSP doesn’t “look good” to colleges, unless you’re planning to study computer science and you follow it up with Computer Science A. In this world, a little computer science exposure doesn’t hurt, though, as Ucbalumnus said. The PLTW classes are great, but they should be considered electives, and not a substitute for actual lab sciences.

Talk to your GC.
Like others say, it is very important to do Bio, Chem and Physics in high school.