Police Officer Shot and Killed on Loop Friday Night

<p>A University City Policer officer (and Wash U alum) was shot and killed Friday night while apparently sitting in his cruiser at the corner of Delmar and Leland which is in the heart of the "Loop" area and only about a mile north of campus. My S literally lives two blocks from where the shooting took place. I'm more than a little freaked out about it. </p>

<p>Student</a> Life - Police sergeant killed on Loop</p>

<p>Going to school in a large city poses a small danger of some sort. Its a risk that people take. I’m sure that the Wash U administration does everything in their power to keep the students safe, so I wouldn’t worry too much.</p>

<p>My S also lives in that area; this year hasn’t been good at all, they started with break-ins in several parked cars at Greenway, then a robbery and now this. I hope next year my S could get some sort of on campus housing, I don’t like at all him living off campus. Even on campus the police has been very busy, many laptops stolen…</p>

<p>I’m not sure laptops stolen really counts as a major crime/worry when those laptops were left unlocked in dorms with doors wide open. It’s a simple matter to remember to lock your computer up, or not leave your door open when you leave.
Also, if I’m not mistaken, all three laptops were found and returned (the ones stolen ~ a month ago).</p>

<p>This isn’t a laptop program. A few weeks ago it was a mugging at gunpoint
(<a href=“http://www.studlife.com/news/student_mugged_at_gunpoint_near_greenway_apts[/url]”>http://www.studlife.com/news/student_mugged_at_gunpoint_near_greenway_apts&lt;/a&gt;.)</p>

<p>then the police officer/alum killing. Students understandably voiced concerns in today’s Student Life.<br>
[Student</a> Life - Students voice safety concerns](<a href=“http://www.studlife.com/news/students_voice_safety_concerns]Student”>http://www.studlife.com/news/students_voice_safety_concerns)</p>

<p>Rising crime rates typically go hand in hand with a major economic downturn. Hopefully this isn’t a sign of things to come with the deepening recession and worsening unemployment. Both may well be with us for not just a matter of months but for years ahead.</p>