Political Affiliations!

if you study economics, you will realize that the president has relatively little to do with how the economy is doing. Our economy is largely self-adjusting in the long-term. If 10 million immigrants are deported, then that will stimulate the economy. Less people = more jobs. Once those jobs are filled by non-illegals, then that becomes the new 0. If that makes any sense. Once the economy is at its potential, inflation will take care of that. Prices will go up, and the economy will end up being where it was when the illegals were here. Anything that we do to try and stimulate the economy will only effect the short-term. Another example is the banks right now. Everyday billions are being injected, but that will only effect the short-term.</p>

<p>It's getting more likely that there will be a recession next year. People will blame Bush for it, and be more likely to vote democrat. If a democrat ends up getting elected then they won't be able to fix the problem. Once this happens, the republicans will blame them come the '12 election.</p>

<p>The economy is largely out of the hands of the president. People are just generally stupid, and blame/praise him/her.</p>

<h1>3 .</h1>

<p>Not all politicians are bad and corrupt (although, obviously most are). We just have to vote for the right ones and write letters to the right ones and, um, threaten the wrong ones.</p>

<p>I like liberals, but not neoliberals that support gay marriage (though civil union is wonderful) or pot-smoking. Whether democratic or republican, I like politicians who support universal healthcare, more taxes on the wealthy, and business regulations. Usually that's the democrats, so I consider myself a democrat.</p>

<p>I also support abortions because otherwise girls are gonna be sticking hangers up their hoo-hahs.</p>

<h1>4: I do not believe in the bicameral (two-party) system. I am neither red nor blue; I am purple. I believe in the Republicans' (supposed) values, yet espouse the social ideologies of the Democrats.</h1>

<p>All politicians are corrupt to some degree, as are all people (present company included). ;)</p>

<p>Wow. That sounds really stuffy, doesn't it? Basically, it means:</p>

<p>1: I'm poor, and so I like things that take money from the really rich and give it to the working class. Like Robin Hood.</p>

<p>2: I'm a right-wing, uber-conservative churchgoer who doesn't believe everything he's told.</p>



<p>Why don't you just support coat hanger makers?</p>