Political Management Programs?

<p>Hi all, </p>

<p>After using CC extensively way back when during my epic undergrad application adventure, I'm hoping you all could help a bit with my grad school search.</p>

<p>I'm a government major with no real interest in political theory, basically eliminating public policy programs. This has generally limited my interest to various Master of Professional Studies programs, most notably in political management (my professional interests are in political public relations or lobbying). Despite a lot of research, the only political management, or even political management-esque, program I've found is offered at GWU.</p>

<p>I'd sort of like to apply to more than one school and was curious if anyone knew of programs along this line.</p>

<p>Public policy programs demand almost zero political theory. It’s mostly straight up policy. Maybe our understanding of “theory” is different.</p>

<p>maybe I picked the wrong phrasing…I meant I’m not particularly interested in research.</p>

<p>MPA or MPPs don’t demand any research either. They are basically MBA’s but for public administration rather than business admin.</p>