<p>will someone please tell me what are my reaches, targets, etc.</p>
<p>UC GPA: 3.5
Cumulative GPA: 3.4
SAT 1: Math-700, verbal-660
SAT2's: US History-760, Writing-700, Math 1-710
I live in CA
APs : Euro-5, US History 5</p>
<p>My grades went up dramatically from sophomore to junior year and stayed up all junior year and this semester senior year. I got a scholarship for the most improved grades from one semester to the next at my school.</p>
<p>Many EC's...
Volunteer at the Democratic National Convention
Intern on the Boxer for Senate Campaign with rec. from campaign manager
Intern in a State Assemblyman's District office
Wesley Clark for President Campaign.. high school and college coordinator
Kerry for President Campaign... high school and college coordinator
Mock Trial Team Captain (my team is one of the best in the state of CA)
Speech and Debate Team Captain
Student Council all four years of HS
National Honor Society</p>
<p>These are the schools to which im applying
American U.
Georgetown U.
George Washington
Washington and Lee
Penn State
... any other ideas?
btw... i want to major in political science and economics</p>
<p>Georgetown: Slight Reach
UNC-CH: Match
George Washington: Safe Match
Penn State: Safe Match
American: Safety
Northeastern: Safety
Washington and Lee: Safety</p>