politics at emory

<p>ok, im ****ed...as a republican emory student, i am very very angry. so i thought you all should see this when thinking of going to emory.
<a href="http://www.erinoconnor.org/archives/000886.html%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.erinoconnor.org/archives/000886.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>You are a freshman at Emory, right? These incidents occurred over a year ago so they obviously did not affect YOUR decision to come to Emory. Why the sudden anger?</p>

<p>Also, what does being "a republican" Emory student have to do with your outrage? Are republicans more sensitive to the suppression of free speech than are democrats or independents?</p>

<p>"sudden" anger because i just realized that it happened. personally, i wish i had seen it earlier. i thought emory was fairly equal in terms of political values, until i read a lot of these articles and i realized how messed up it all is. </p>

<p>and no, republicans are more angry at how the dean of student activities refused contact with the college republicans</p>

<p>i agree with you completely cookiemonster. unfortunatly, there are always going to be people like that. i think any university is going to have its share of problems, political ones especially with the country so clearly divided between right and left. i dont even know what to say about this. fight it i guess. theres no place for closedmindedness (is that a word) in a school like emory.</p>

<p>COOKIE has no one home at her house until Saturday. Let me now when the party's going down.</p>

<p>chris rock said it the best "anyone who has an opinion on a topic before they hear what it is, is a $ucking idiot" (meaning people who follow a party line)</p>

<p>My brother graduated from Emory last May and I live about 10 minutes away from campus so I personally know a lot of what went on last year. Horowitz made some terrible comments that offended hundreds of students on campus. There were also some issues in the Jewish community surrounding the graduation speaker (she had previously made comments and been involved in antisemetic groups). The Horowitz debacle was sad, at the time I was extremely conservative, and I could in no way condone his actions. Before lampooning an event that you weren't even knowledgable about until a year after it occured, you might want to consult with those that were on campus. Republican on campus are very well treated at Emory, even if they are in the minority. Keep on giving the admin. and student council a chance!</p>

<p>great post.</p>