Poll - controversial word usage

<p>@ak_dogg: people don’t use gay to mean happy and carefree anymore. they use it as a word synonymous with ‘stupid’. that’s why it’s wrong.</p>

<p>Half of my guy friends are gay, so I also know better than to use that term :)</p>



<p>The most accepted of all of those? Really? I think so far I might be the only girl who has commented on this thread about this particular word. Maybe guys deem it more okay, but as a girl, I definitely do not condone it. If what you say really is true (as far as I know, my friends and I are very against this word), then I’m very horrified.</p>

<p>I’m a girl too. I would see why guys would think it’s acceptable since many of them use it often, and don’t see the negative connotations. What I don’t get is why so many girls use that word as well.</p>

<p>adding to myself…i guess girls using that word sort of fits with the trend that people will use derogatory words within their own community. hmm.</p>

<p>lol b-tch isn’t even that bad, c-nt is a lot worse.</p>

<p>I don’t know about that. I don’t consider girls in general as a community. It’s much more diverse and less united than let’s say a racial group, if you know what I mean? I myself cannot stand girls who use that term.</p>

<p>1) Lol. I say ■■■■■ for fun but following social stereotypes, I will rarely say it in front of black people, just because some blacks believe they – in whatever logical sense – “own” the word, while others believe it is just a purely bad thing to say. Nevertheless, I’m not using it in every other sentence. If you’re straight up using it powerfully in a derogatory manner, then I’m never cool with that.
2) Terrible question to ask kids at Cal or just this place in general, an area known for being moderate to extreme liberals. While I’ve generally avoided to say “Oh this is so gay” or “Oh man that’s gay,” it just slips sometimes. That being said, I’m not exactly the biggest supporter of the word.
3) It’s whatever. I know only of a few people who don’t use the word because they just don’t cuss at all. Otherwise, everyone’s a potty mouth. hehe <em>Edit here: I’ve heard so many girls use it here…
4) An article that resorts to phrases like </em>** niggas to me screams unprofessional, having been on the school newspaper for 4 years + internships at local newspapers. Unless the article/piece is talking about the evolution of those words as the focus or something, then words like that would be unnecessary.</p>

<p>MechRocket: Excuse me? the B word is not even that bad?</p>

<p>i see your point kitkatz.</p>



<p>No, man, I’m pretty sure I see the NYT use these terms all the time.</p>


Haha, describes my reason.</p>

<p>1) I think it’s only ok if you’re black and use it as a replacement for “friend”, strange as that may be… o_O
2) Gay = homosexual/happy.
3) Bad.</p>

<p>Mexican, btw.</p>

<p>@KitKatz: not as bad as the C-word.</p>

<p>hmmm I suppose. strangely enough, I have never heard anyone actually using the c-word…</p>

<p>This is where I play the Haaaaaaaaave you met Ted? game, except substitute Ted for this guy on my floor that uses it when he describes every woman he hates, which is pretty much every girl on campus who disagrees with him.</p>