Pomona Senior Publishes NYT Crossword Puzzle

<p>Friday’s New York Times crossword puzzle was submitted by Pomona Senior Xan Vongsathorn and is his first published. Friday puzzles are known for being the second hardest of the week. </p>

<p>Jim Horne, author of The Crossword Blog of the New York Times calls it “a very fine Friday puzzle…. It feels like a typical Friday themeless but the only two long answers have an amusing connection. I usually am not fond of Roman numerals in the grid, but I love 40 Across, ‘The annus in Dryden’s Annus Mirabilis.’” The length of the Roman numeral was “so crazy that [Will Shortz] almost likes it,” according to an e-mail notifying Vongsathorn that the puzzle would be published. </p>

<p>To read a short interview with Vongsathorn, in which he notes that, until Sunday, he is a Pomona senior, visit the New York Times site. </p>

<p>Annus</a> Mirabilis - Wordplay Blog - NYTimes.com</p>

<p>Vongsathorn, an economics and mathematics double major from Bethesda, MD, was this year’s winner of the on-campus “Third Annual New York Times Crossword Puzzle Contest.” He has been accepted to the University of Chicago PhD program in economics.</p>

<p>I suck at crossword puzzles…</p>

<p>copy…and paste</p>