Pomona Vs Ivies Job Placement and Graduate School

How does Pomona compare with the Ivies for job placement and graduate school? Pomona is not as well known in the East and it is small.

Have you seen the Pomona College Where Grads Go pdf? http://www.pomona.edu/administration/career-development/students/life-after-pomona/where-grads-go.aspx

Perhaps that will answer some of your questions.

D '09 came back to the East Coast after Pomona and got a good job working for the state government through the Pomona network. She’s now about to get her master’s degree from MIT, so I don’t think your student will have any problems with either should Pomona be the college of choice.

My D graduated from Pomona last year. Every Pomona student she knows who applied to graduate schools got into all the top programs they applied to in their fields. Seems all these schools need to see is a Pomona degree and it is an automatic acceptance.