Its Sunday evening and you realize you have no clean underwear or socks, and after a desperate search for quarters, borrowing some from neighbors and going through old jackets and purses, you are still short of two precious coins worth 25 cents each. There is a simple solution for you: make a donation to the Oberlin Living Machine and the Quarter Poops campaign and put an end to your worries.
Note the date of the article is April 8th not April 1st.</p>
The LM was designed to handle 2,400 gallons of wastewater daily, Platt said, but right now it is only processing 200-300 gallons, or less than 10 percent of its capacity.</p>
<p>When there is not enough material going through the LM, it is much more difficult to work with . . .</p>
<p>Its not that the LM is sick and dying, like people thought last year, Dyankov said. It is designed to have 10 times more sewage, so its more like its hungry.
A lot of people on campus are very concerned about where their food comes from but not many people think about where their waste goes, Cohn said.</p>
<p>She believes that through raising awareness about the LM and its function, a connection between food, people and waste can be established.Or, as Platt put it, Think globally, poop locally.
<p>To put this in context: The campaign if part of a very sophisticated program in sustainable living at the school's environmental program, which has been recognized by the federal EPA. It's not some kind of stupid frat boy prank.</p>