Porn Star

<p>When I was surfing the net I saw an article about</p>

<p>"A man from Randy Blue was suspended from his school due to Pornography"</p>

<p>Why isn't there a discussion about this?
I was thinking if College Student is involved in pornography should he be banned, instantly?</p>

<p>What does this have to do with Grove City College?</p>

<p>It’s here because there was a student who was suspended from GCC for being involved in porn. It’s a conservative, Christian school… and participation in pornography production is against the standards. The student in question was offered the chance to come back, if he decided to stop acting in the films, but he instead decided to graduate elsewhere.</p>

<p>Yes, the GCC student in question is a gay porn star who travelled to film sites on weekends (LA, NYC). And when another GCC student saw him on a video and reported it to officials, and the film star/student was suspended. Apparently, he claims he was paying his way thru and making some walking around money too. He’d been involved for 4 years and was about to graduate. Haven’t heard if a law suit is pending yet. Nor has there been news of what became of the whistle blower.:eek:</p>

<p>And there are some who proclaim GCC students don’t even drink beer! As one local op-ed writer opined …“Seems cocktail party has a special connotation @ Grove City College …” :confused:</p>

<p>Hmmm This is really old news by now folks. Came up 2 weeks before the end of the semester…Spring 2009.</p>

<p>Grove City College Students don’t drink beer? None of them? Who said that? </p>

<p>As I answered someone in one of the other threads… a lot of good clean fun there, I am sure you can find the seemy underbelly, and find the kids that drink(but keep a lid pretty tight on it). I guess the over 21 crowd goes to one of the local watering holes (only one in town…was a dry town until about a year ago or so), or in the neighboring town about 10 minutes away.</p>

<p>As far as the cocktail party… it is a pretty humorous play on words.</p>