Portfolio for a non-art major?

<p>Hey guys! I was planning on sending an art portfolio to some of my schools but I realized that I don't really know how to set one up. Most of my schools need it on a CD or a website link. Does anyone have any examples? I won't be majoring in art at all, but since I am currently taking a high level art class, I was advised to send in a portfolio. I have about 12 works I am comfortable with sending in. I'm currently working on something right now so it'll probably be 13.
Long story short, I need an example of a portfolio and maybe some tips! Thanks so much!</p>

<p>I’m in the same situation!</p>

<p>I used carbonmade, a really user-friendly portfolio site. Not a lot of options when using the free version, but it’s nice a simple to figure out.
Here’s my portfolio …</p>

<p>[Vivian</a> Tong](<a href=“Vivian Tong”>http://vtong.carbonmade.com/)</p>

<p>Because you ARE taking a high level art class, why not ask your teacher about setting up portfolios? They’ll be a lot better at teaching how to portfolio-build than other people!</p>

<p>Thank you so much for the example/link!
There was a portfolio meeting in september but it was before I decided to make a portfolio! I’m going to ask my teacher soon, but I know it’s crunch time at school right now so I don’t know how much she can help me. </p>

<p>That link really helped me out though, thanks!</p>