<p>Most of my portfolio work for the Design school will be drawing but I just realized that they said the drawings must be from life or imagination.
I have self-portraits and other portraits that I have done/want to do but I've never done a portrait from life and they are really inconvenient to do from life.</p>
<p>Are they understanding about this? Or is it a firm no that you cannot draw from photographs? My art teacher told me that they were worried about the composition being your own and thus a photograph would be fine if you set it up yourself. But I'm not sure anymore.</p>
<p>I don't know what to do.</p>
<p>I know many people who didn’t even have much drawing work in their portfolio for design - I’m sure drawing from a photo comp would be just fine. Unless it’s a motion shot, like someone riding a bicycle, how would they be able to check, anyways?</p>
<p>If not drawing work, what DID they have?
Like computer graphic/web design work?</p>
<p>Yes… the communication design program is primarily graphic design based, with some focuses on print and multimedia work, like web design. If you are working in traditional media, like pencil, ink, paint or watercolor, you would be better suited to the fine arts degree, not the design program. So they will be expecting at least some photography or graphic design or web work.</p>
<p>I definately don’t want a fine arts degree. Haha. It just didn’t seem like they were expecting their applicants to submit more digital works than traditional artwork.</p>
<p>Drawing is important, and a few life drawing pieces are important to any design portfolio - you do need a fair amount of traditional media work in there, but it is helpful to have some graphic work as well. Not necessary, but helpful. Most of your fellow applicants will have it. </p>
<p>Papercraft is a big part of freshman design too, so if you have any papercraft work, add it in
stuff like this is what is typically found in freshman portfolios and studio work:</p>
<p>[Admissions</a> Cards, School of Design Gallery > School of Design > Carnegie Mellon University](<a href=“http://www.design.cmu.edu/show_gallery.php?gid=65]Admissions”>http://www.design.cmu.edu/show_gallery.php?gid=65)</p>
<p>[Say</a> Something! with Posters Gallery > School of Design > Carnegie Mellon University](<a href=“http://www.design.cmu.edu/show_gallery.php?gid=58]Say”>http://www.design.cmu.edu/show_gallery.php?gid=58)</p>
<p>[Beginning</a> Typography Gallery > School of Design > Carnegie Mellon University](<a href=“http://www.design.cmu.edu/show_gallery.php?gid=21]Beginning”>http://www.design.cmu.edu/show_gallery.php?gid=21)</p>
<p>there is heavy emphasis on typography, digital creation and digital protyping in design. I think they’re just hoping that your portfolio will indicate you are capable of doing good work in this medium, even if it isn’t your favorite or primary.</p>