Posse Scholarship- Ask Away!

@gk1733 Thank you so much! You have no idea how helpful you are.
I will send you any questions if I have one.


My son just made it to the semi-finals but really only wants to go to two out of the six schools (undergraduate/entrepreneur) major and wants to be in a city, not small liberal arts. The second interview questionairre has him fill out preference 1-6. Did you say you would go to any of the six colleges or were you specific. He has a clear ED stand out. What did you do when it came to specifying choices? Thank you so much. Your info was very helpful

@Momofmax is he from Posse DC? I am also a posse nominee.

But my interview is on sept.7.

No, Atlanta. Good luck!

Thanks. By the way, did he tell you about the group discussion by any chance?

Can ayone please tell me what to expect on the secon posse interview???please! I qualified for the second round and I don’t know how to prepare. Can anyone please tell me few question?thank you.

Hi! I was accepted as a semi-finalist for Posse, and my interview is in a week. I was wondering if you could answer a few questions for me:

  1. What are some specific questions they asked you during this interview?
  2. What should I wear to this interview?
  3. Should I be more friendly than professional? What are they looking for?

Thank you so much!!!

Hi @rimshini
I know that you should look for professional, so you better wear business casual.

By the way, when was your first round interview?

I’m from Posse DC.

@Betsi I had mine on August 23rd

@rimshini After how many days of your first round posse interview did you got a response from them( I mean your acceptance to the second round)?

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

@gk1733, can you please elaborate on the questions that are being asked during the last interview? And please make it specific. Thanks!

@gk1733 Hey I really appreciate you helping us with these questions. My second round interview is coming up in a few days and I was wondering if you could tell me any specific questions they asked, or if they asked you to describe the optional item that you brought.

Thanks, I really appreciate it

@gk1733 did anyone else have the second round interviewer give them their card? I just want to know if it’s normal or a good or bad sign?

I just found out that I got through the first interview and am now a semi-finalist does anyone have any tips for what to expect for the second interview in regards to the style and the types of questions they ask

My child was called yesterday and told she is going on to the 3rd interview and I have to attend. What should I expect, and then what comes next?

@totallystressed1234 I got my interviewer’s card after mine and was called back for the final interview. if that means anything. I also later realized from the card I got that my interviewer was the director of my Posse chapter so you could check yours and see if that was the case because I think in that case it was a good sign? Otherwise I wouldn’t say it means much

@Elionnahom @BryanGlendening I’m sorry I haven’t been on here in a while! I’m assuming your 2nd round interviews already happened? If not let me know!!