Posse Scholarship- Ask Away!

@edavpr472 ^^^

@tamtam15 is this the second or final interview? I don’t think they asked parents to attend either of mine, but I do remember the final interviews not being done until early December and we didn’t find out if we had been invited to the third round until mid-November.

@Elionnahom sorry, just realized you asked about final interviews. We did an activity where we got into small groups and different people came to our groups and took turns asking speed questions (these people were either Posse directors or admissions and other people from your college you were chosen to potentially receive the scholarship for). Questions I remember included:
What is unique about your involvement in school?
If you could have a meal with any person, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
Who is your hero/who do you admire? (something along those lines)
What is your role in your family?
What is the biggest struggle you’ve had to overcome?
Those are all the questions I remember unfortunately, but there were a good amount of questions. We were only given 30 seconds I want to say, but it could’ve been 45 or a minute max. I think the key is getting right to the point in your answer because the time constraints really get to you if you’re someone who likes to talk I guess. After the question round, there’s another activity where you get with groups and you act like employees of a fictional college where you have to solve a problem and make a press release with your team. You then present it in front of everyone, and then people ask you questions about your approach to solving your issue. I think that part of the interview was much less stressful and rushed, but it depends on your personality. A big part of my interview at least was adversity, and there were so many people there who had compelling stories about really difficult and unfair things they had to go through. That made it somewhat of a struggle for me at least, seeing as I was fortunate enough to not have struggled much in life. I would say to find a story that shows your personality in how you faced your problem, and stick with it.

What a GREAT insight!!! Thank you very much and I appreciate how you took your time to explain every step of the process. Thank you!

I finished my second round interview. few weeks ago.

@Elionnahom no problem! Congrats on making it that far! Let me know if you have any more questions and I’ll try to answer a sooner haha

@Betsi Hey, sorry for the super late reply! But if you’re still wondering (if you haven’t already gotten an email) they contacted me a week after my first group interview saying that I made into the semi-finalist round!

@gk1733 thank you so much and I will let you know. Have a great week!

This is the 3rd interview. She did the group interview the first time and then one on one. Then was called the other day saying that she was accepted into the final round and that the school she has chosen as her number one chose her also. So we go this evening and they said that it is mandatory that I attend.

@tamtam15 , can you please tell us all the questions they asked you guys as soon as you finish the 3rd round interview? I’m from Posse Chicago.

@Elionnahom I sure will. It is this evening. We are Posse New Orleans.

@Elionnahom I’m in posse Chicago too? Have you heard if you have been chosen to be a finalist yet? If not can you share when you hear from them? I vaguely rember them saying they’ll contact us the week of the 23rd but I’m not positive"

@totallystressed1234, I am already a finalist. I am a Posse veteran so I guess it’s kind of different.


Thank you @Elionnahom and good luck to you as well!

Tonight was basically an informative meeting congratulating all the participants for becoming finalist and giving parents information about the school and program. My child has an appointment to go back next week with a checklist of thibgs they have asked for. Then the final group interview late November, and then they decide from there!

@tamtam15 from the meeting did they say your child will be applying for the school after November 1st? I know posse is early decision, but I was wondering if the November 1st deadline is extended when you apply through posse.

@totallystressed1234 She has to turn in the paperwork they are asking for by Oct. 24th then the dap 3 interview is on Nov. 30th. And they said it is a group meeting like the 1st one just a smaller group, then you will know either that night or within a few days if you have gotten the scholarship or not.

@tamtam15 @totallystressed1234 I don’t think Posse adheres to any deadlines for applying to your finalist school. I just looked and my meeting before the final round interview was on November 4, so after the November 1 deadline. That meeting is basically when you meet with a Posse mentor and you go over your common app and essay and you then apply ED to the school you are a finalist for. In all cases I have heard of, people find out that night after their last interview whether or not they are receiving the scholarship.

@Elionnahom you’re in the veterans Posse? What city are you and when was your second round interview? I just had my second round on Tuesday, Oct 17 so I’m waiting on their decision. How long did it take for them to let you know you were selected as a finalist and what school?