Posse Scholarship- Ask Away!

@liveonboca Congratulations to your son, that’s amazing news!!

I didn’t get posse but I wanted to know if we are still put in the early decision pool for whatever school you were matched with?

@athena2000 I had to contact my school to be placed in their regular decision, but my friend who was matched with a different school was automatically placed in her schools’ regular decision pool. You are no longer in a binding ED contract though

What about Posse access? Are you automatically accepted if you apply to a college that sent you an email through Posse access? I was contacted last year but did not apply.

@putinmatthews you’re not automatically accepted, no.

Are you familiar with POSSE New York? Do you know about the schools offered to NY Posse, such as Brandeis or Vanderbilt?

@ny_mom3 I went through the process with Posse Boston, but I know the process among the Posse cities are similar. When I was not chosen to receive the scholarship, both Brandeis and Vanderbilt reached out to me through Posse Access and encouraged me to apply and I believe Brandeis gave me a free application.

Hi! I also have questions about Posse. I would like to know how much your academics play a factor in getting the scholarship. I know that my academic standing is pretty low (D in AP Bio).

Is this only for US Citizens

@“Triplets Pret South africa”

International students are eligible for Posse if they are currently attending school located in one of the Posse cities in the US.

Hi! I’m currently a junior, and I got nominated by a teacher for the Posse scholarship! Your description of the process was very detailed, but I still have a question. You said that you were a finalist, yet you didn’t end up getting the scholarship-- did that happen following the very last interview? Did the school choose not to give you the scholarship, even after the ED and application? Also, you said the final interview was more stressful-- how so? What type of questions did they ask? Thanks so much! I’d really appreciate you getting back to me on this!

I wanted to say thank you so much for this post. My child got the Posse Scholarship and I think it has a lot to do with the things that I read here!! He said that it really helped him prepare for the whole interview process and to know what to expect. Again, THANK YOU!!!

What percentage of applicants got past DAP 1 (the group interview)? What would you say is the best way to stand out in that setting? Sorry if this was already posted- I didn’t see it as I was reading

@zj24701 Yes, I signed the Early Decision contract and went to the final interview and then found out that I did not receive the scholarship. The school chose me to go to the final round and be a finalist, where people from the school then met all the finalists and chose who they wanted to give the scholarship to. I think the interview was more stressful mostly because I knew 4 years of free college was riding on it, haha. Also just the fact that it was the final round so the other students who I was competing against were all amazing in their own right so it was much more competitive than the first group interview. I know I have posted all the questions I could remember them asking in the final interview earlier in this thread if you can find it (:

@tamtam15 That’s amazing- congratulations to your son! I’m thrilled I could have helped

@gotted711 I’m honestly not sure the percentage, but I would guess at least half or probably more than half (maybe more like 60-70%). I knew about 10 students from my high school alone who went to the first round interview, and all but 1 or 2 of us got chosen to go back to the second round interview. Since so many people make it to the second round, I would say the best way to stand out is to be social. If you’re not someone who is typically outgoing or friendly I would definitely encourage trying to 'fake it ‘til you make it’ when it comes to those qualities in the first interview. However, if you are somewhat outgoing and friendly I would really just say to be yourself in the various activities, try to be friendly to all the other students you meet, and try to display good teamwork skills in whatever way comes naturally to you (whether that be leading your group and taking charge or just being cooperative and helping when you can- though leadership skills are definitely a key I would say). Honestly I would say not to stress the first interview that much, just be yourself and be friendly and receptive of others in all the activities you do

@LaSim90210 Sorry for the late reply! I don’t think the D will hold you back completely, but when it comes to the second interview that would probably be something they’ll ask you about. I would think of a way to explain it when it comes up if you make it to the second interview, maybe if you were going through a hardship or it was an unusually hard class and you’ve since taken away how to study really well or something. Overall, the scholarship isn’t heavily focused on academics and as long as you have pretty good grades besides that D you will probably be fine!

@liveonboca and @tamtam can you all share what happened with your kids who received the Posse Scholarship? Can you share where they are going and what happened after the notification in Dec? What happens after being selected…just starting process with my D, but I find this fascinating and want to know what’s next for them… :-*

oops I meant to tag @tamtam15

After you are told you are selected and all of that fun stuff your child will go to weekly meeting at the posse office so they can essentially become best friends or a “posse” and do team building exercises and other things together. My child will be attending Illinois Wesleyan University. @20Mom19