<p>I graduated with a degree in Business Admin. five years ago, so due bad economy and job layoffs I went back to school and I am currently pursuing a degree in Mechanical Engineering. I was awarded about $5000 in loans for the first semester. When I requested for financial aid for the summer they said that I was suspended for exceeding max. hours. I was advised to complete satisfactory academic appeal for & give a statement of extenuating circumstances.
what will be extenuating circumstances in my case that can help my case? I work part time due to this very challenging program & the little I earn is for gas and rent. I only owe the $5000 from last semester. I had full scholarship for first degree. I am already in engineering program & I have just completed the 1st semester of my junior year. I feel like my dream is slipping through my fingers. I need help and advice about this situation. Help????</p>