<p>what did you plan on doing after graduation while you were at Cornell? did you stick to those plans? did you end up doing something you never thought you would? please share.</p>
<p>(while i havent graduated yet, i plan to and want to know in which direction the winds of ka threw you)</p>
<p>I planned on going into medical school right out of college…but decided I needed some time off to relax and earn money since Cornell drained me of all of it :)</p>
<p>I’m working as a medical research specialist right now…and I will go to medical school at some point.</p>
<p>I have no idea…I would imagine a significant portion do. However…more and more students are taking time off after college before going to medical school…either by choice or because they didn’t get in to any medical schools.</p>
<p>The same is true for applicants to law school applicants, as tuition has increased, the economy stagnates, and students look to distinguish themselves with professional experience.</p>
<p>I entered Cornell planning on med school and then midway through my junior year (only a few months before I would’ve begun the application process) I decided to take a year off to do research. I ended up getting a fellowship through the NIH and did that for a year while applying to med school. And I’m now halfway through my first year as a med student.</p>
<p>According to Judy, the health careers adviser, from the meetings she’s had with other Ivy League advisers, anywhere b/w 30-50% of Ivy Leaguers choose to take time off b/w undergrad and med school. Most people have to take time off to improve their resumes but some, like me, just want to chill for a year before going through the guantlet of med school.</p>
<p>Haha!!! I’m aiming for med school too but I might switch out and do something else like Pharmacy or something… Haven’t decided yet.
Im definitely going to grad school though since a BS in bio gets me… no where…</p>
<p>Well, I planned on grad school for my major. I studied a technical science and planned on going to a large state school for grad school.</p>
<p>Well, my GPA was never stellar, so I ended up at a different grad school than I had expected, but it worked out just fine for me in the long run. </p>
<p>I never ended up using my minor though. It just never became a significant part of my work.</p>