<p>1) My favorite flavor of ice cream is vanilla
2) I play Kingdom of Loathing
3) I'm a vegetarian
4) My most prized possession is a fluffy pink bunny named Slackware. And then my computer because it has all my research on it and I don't have backups.
5) I carry a calculator in my purse</p>
<li>I finally just learned how to do the basic html formatting.</li>
<li>One of the Freshman English teachers asked me on Thursday “Do you have some sort of mental illness?”</li>
<li>Since taking Latin, I have a hard time counting in Spanish.</li>
<li>I giggle every time we count (to at least six) in Latin.</li>
<li>I think, for a living, I want to be a high school teacher…</li>
<p>1) I am a vegetarian.
2) My baby is a pitbull.
3) I have been in the longest high school relationship of anybody I know (three years and going).
4) I have severe clinical depression.
5) Females in my family are “witches” (people with extraordinary abilities) and have been studied before.</p>
<p>^Roman, what kind of abilities? that is sooo neat!! :). </p>
<li>I over-analyze EVERYTHING. </li>
<li>I’ve been told by numerous people that I a) look like I should have been born in a different time period or b) look like the girl from that movie Narnia. I guess I have “old” features i.e. pale skin, long dark hair…ect. Weird. </li>
<li>I wish I was Helena Bonham Carter. I love her. As weird as this sounds, i’d totally go lesbian for her (HAHA JK.)</li>
<li>I have a thing for movies that end tragically. </li>
<li>I am obsessed with North Face jackets even though I currently reside in SoFl.</li>
<li>I once took apart my 4 year old brother’s lego/k’nex city he had built and turned it into a plane. It was modeled after an F-14. It was awesome. </li>
<li>Last week, I opened the tumble dryer door to find my phone separated into its components. I put it back together, but it didn’t work. I kept the board.</li>
<li>I like dry Froot Loops better than Froot Loops in milk.</li>
<li>When I was little, I stuck a key in an outlet (according to my parents).</li>
<li>I’m the only person I know who hates cheesecake.</li>
<p>1) I love art, but I suck at it.
2) I still listen to loud music in my room.
3) I love high fashion, even though I wear Aeropostle and Old Navy
4) I watch everything except MTV, including, but not limited to, Top Chef, Project Runway, America’s Next Top Model, Everything on Reelz Channel, Ghost Hunters, Almost every show on Discovery Health, Cash Cab, Jeopardy, Wheel of Fortune, Lots of Disney Channel shows, and America’s Funniest Home Videos.
5) If I could, I would learn every language in the world, but I want to be a English teacher and Fantasy Writer…ironic considering the rest of my interests revolve around other countries.</p>
<p>*BONUS: I take both Chinese and Japanese, and sometimes, if I don’t know a word in one of them, I accidentally replace it with the word of the same meaning in the other language.</p>
<li>I’ve lived in four continents</li>
<li>I got my braces off yesterday</li>
<li>I’m afraid all of the colleges I apply to will reject me.</li>
<li>I often forget what country I’m in</li>
<li>Scrubs is my favourite tv show.</li>
<li>I like manatees</li>
<li>I need to get a hair cut</li>
<li>I have my braces off for a year now</li>
<li>I carried a graphing calculator to band camp before</li>
<li>I have a tennis ball right next to my computer</li>
<li>I dress up like a G with fancy streetwear clothing ([Karmaloop.com</a> - Global Streetwear Culture](<a href=“http://www.karmaloop.com/]Karmaloop.com”>http://www.karmaloop.com/)), & I find it amusing when people are bewildered to find out I am a 4.0 student.</li>
<li>Half the reason I joined Water Polo & Swimming was to get buff and impress Girls. It has been satisfactorily successful</li>
<li>I am an artsy guy with talent in fine art, animation, and music with 3 instruments.</li>
<li>I sleep past midnight every day, and make up for the lack of sleep by taking a nap in all of my classes. Half my teachers hate me now.</li>
<li>I go to parties, but I always stay 100% sober. As if there were no point in being there except to see my friends get “influenced” …</li>
<li><p>I eat a lot. I mean A LOT. My metabolism is uber fast. [Since most of you don’t know me, I’m also ~140 lbs. and 6’ tall).</p></li>
<li><p>The relatives on my dad’s biological side are pretty much pros at badminton and volleyball, so when we visit them games become battles to the death. Ever seen rugby badminton? It’s intense. On my dad’s adoptive side, ping pong is huge. Last year my dad and uncle had a “friendly rematch.” It looked like Balls of Fury lol.</p></li>
<li><p>Despite being a huge Republican, I want to live in California. Maybe it’s the warmth that attracts me… maybe it’s the desire to live in a huge city vs. a tiny rural town. I think it’s both.</p></li>
<li><p>I’ll laugh at anything meant to be even slightly funny. It could be one tiny witty comment and I’ll at least smile.</p></li>
<li><p>I’m kinda OCD about aesthetics, especially my handwriting. I take time to develop every letter, and to make sure every math equation is clearly written. If it’s not, I’ll write my homework over again.</p></li>
<li><p>I’m a serious percussionist.</p></li>
<li><p>I get a haircut once every 2-3 weeks</p></li>
<li><p>My initials spell out my first name</p></li>
<li><p>I failed Algebra 1 (actual F, not an A-. )</p></li>
<li><p>In sophomore year, I ate 386 mini tootsie rolls in an hour</p></li>
<li>My grades make or break my day.</li>
<li>I love to volunteer and meet people outside of the bubble I live in. </li>
<li>I LOVE to paint. I like art in general.</li>
<li>Im a slow typer.</li>
<li>I only get things done if I procrastinate.</li>