POST HERE : Help college list making !

<p>Hello, i need help making my college list. I don't know which ones to look at.
GPA: weighted 96
Class rank: maybe about 40/288
Courseload: all honors, taking 3 AP's next year
EXTRa curriculars: Won the state championship for Reader's Digest Vocabulary chalenge ( 8th grade)
Participate in Junior academy of Science- recieved a first all years except seventh grade and an excellence /perfect score at regionals- pefect score at states in 9th grade)
Forensics: at 250 point level. Went to nationals in 1st year, state semifinalist this year
Volunteer at local hospital - about 100 hours
PSATS: still looking into- got a 200 at first- but will take for real next year. Break down
CR 80 WR 65 M 55
What colleges can I reasonably look at and if possible - what can I do within reason to improve my portfolio</p>

<p>what’s your GPA on a 4.0 scale?</p>

<p>I don’t know- my school is - let’s just say they don’t use 4.0 scales. Can you give me a conversion table to do it? Because i don’t know how.</p>

<p>Does your school define an A as 90-100, B as 80-90, etc?</p>

<p>Also, what major?</p>

<p>no,our school is afraid of being too easy so an A is a 93-100
and my major is still up in the air. I wanted to do science related like medical research or bio-engineering but my math is so weak right now. so i could go into something historical- i need a school with a lot of majors</p>

<p>Take anything from 93-100 and make it worth 4 points. Then do the same for B, C, and D and calculate your unweighted GPA.</p>

<p>Some people like to come in here and claim “well my school doesn’t give me a 4.0 GPA”, but the fact is that schools calculate your 4.0 U/W GPA based on the grading scale they get from your counselor, so you should know it (still report on a 100 pt scale, but know that colleges will convert it). It’s very difficult to compare your chances at various schools without knowing the U/W GPA, as schools and sites like collegedata use that scale.</p>

<p>o.k. i think- getting rid of the honors curve
gpa is 3.57- with the curve it is a 3.71.
adding it to last year
3.78 weighted
3.71 unweighted.
I did much better last year</p>

<p>Wait, I just noticed there’s no SAT either. So you want people to suggest colleges to you without knowing your major or SAT score? </p>

<p>Forget what you think you’re good at - what do you ultimately want to do with your life? If you have no idea, you need to think long and hard about that before you start to think about colleges.</p>