Post here if you'll definitely be attending Fall 2012

<p>I thought that we could start a list that only has students who will definitely be attending fall 2012. We have the roll call list, but those students aren’t all 100% sure on attendance.
Perhaps we could also include home state, intended major, dorm preference, any special programs you will take part in, and anything else that might be helpful/interesting.</p>

<p>I’ll start.</p>

<p>My D is from Ohio. She plans on majoring/minoring in some combination of english, spanish,and latin. She’d like to live in Riverside West. She’s in UHP and IHP.</p>

<p>My S will be attending.
From Maryland
Majoring in Computer Science/ Mathematics double major
UHP- Honors dorms, but not sure which one yet. Has not chosen roomates!</p>

<p>I’ll be attending.
From Florida. UHP and IHP, majoring in business but looking into a second major.
Hopefully living in Ridgecrest South - North Tower. I’ve got one suitemate, looking for two more. Most likely not rushing in the fall.</p>

<p>My son will be attending and can’t wait to start.</p>

<p>We are from the Chicago area and he will be majoring in Advertising. He is not in the honors program and wants to live in one of the suite dorms, hopefully the new dorm. He wants to be a part of Greek life and is thinking about playing club lacrosse. </p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>My daughter will be attending. Won’t be joining her two brothers at Florida State. She’s signed up for the May 29/30 Bama Bound.</p>

<p>We’re from Florida and she’ll be majoring in Secondary Education English Language Arts.
She plans to double major in English. She’s in UHP and wants Ridgecrest South North tower.</p>

<p>My daughter is also attending. We are from the Dallas area. She will most likely double major in history and math, while being pre-med. She is in UHP and IHP. </p>

<p>D plans to live in a 4 person honors suite, but isn’t too particular about which building. She is looking for roommates for an alcohol-free (etc) suite.</p>

<p>My daughter is attending. We are from the Cincinnati area. She is an engineering major as well as looking at pre-med options. She is UHP and IHP. She is signed up for the May 29/30 Bama Bound.</p>

<p>She just started looking for roommates and her UA Facebook post today said she wants to live in the honors dorms, rush and room with someone that wants to get good grades but also balance that with having fun.</p>

<p>Our son is all in - Roll Tide! From Central Florida, and planning to double major in Elec. Engineering / Math. Probably living in Burke. Will be involved in UHP, intramural sports, and RUF. Going to May 29-30 Bama Bound and Alabama Action in August. Can’t wait!</p>

<p>Son is planning to study Mechanical Engineering. Will be involved in UHP and Alabama Action. We are going to Bama Bound July 9-10. He wants to live in honors dorms; will be using the roommate finder since he is from Northen California. He doesn’t seem excited, but may be focusing more on his last year of high school (hopefully).</p>

<p>My daughter will be attending. We are in North Alabama.
She will be in UHP and participating in Alabama Action.
Plans to major in Secondary Education French and live in Burke East or West. She has no interest in Greek life, but can’t wait for football Saturdays! She will be attending the May 29-30 Bama Bound.</p>

<p>My daughter is attending and planning on (as of this moment) majoring in Chemistry. She’ll be in UHP and we sent in the application for Alabama Action last week. She won’t be going Greek either but the amazing school spirit is definitely a draw! Honors dorms- Ridgecrest maybe? So much info to process right now, it’s a little overwhelming! </p>

<p>We’ll be there for Bama Bound May 29 & 30. We’re from Southern California so the distance from home is causing some anxiety but she was definitely made to feel welcome when we were there a couple of weeks ago.</p>

<p>My daughter is Alabama bound from Colorado, and majoring in Chemical and Biological Engineering. She is part of the honors college and wait listed for CBHP. She is excited to be part of the engineering theatre group. </p>

<p>She is attending Bama bound May 29-30 without us. She is arriving on 5/28 at 4:00 pm and would love to share a shuttle to campus. </p>

<p>She is doing Alabama Action. She is a self proclaimed nerd and looking for like minded roommates. She is thinking Ridgecrest South, north tower. </p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>I will be starting Fall 2012. UHP / MIS Major. Bama Bound 31 May / 1 June. AA participant week prior to school starting. Trying out for Crimson Cabaret.</p>

<p>My son will be attending in the fall from Michigan. We will be at the May 29/30 Bama Bound session.</p>

<p>He will be studying computer science and participating in Marching Band and/or Concert Band as a percussionist. He may be doing AA if he is not in Marching Band (they meet at the same time the week before school starts).</p>

<p>S enjoys music, theater, reading and playing games (not really into xbox-type gaming although he is a big Pokemon fan - don’t tell him I announced that on a public forum.) He is also looking forward to the engineering theater group.</p>

<p>He has one AWESOMELY AWESOME roommate lined up :slight_smile: and they will be looking to add two more for the Honors dorms (they are both non-smoking, non-drinking, non-partying, kind, funny and happy guys - I may be just a little biased). </p>

<p>CBHP waitlisted…but, this Mom is SUPER EXCITED about all the opportunities that await my son at Bama!</p>

<p>ROLL TIDE!</p>

<p>Indianapolis (Fishers but attends a private HS)
Major: Poli Sci, Criminal Justice
Minor: Spanish or French (maybe both), now she wants to study Farsi
UFE Finalist
July 9-10 BB
back and forth (Tut or HonorsDorms)
1000000 % Roll Tide</p>

<p>My daughter is so very excited to be attending UA! From the moment she stepped on campus she knew it would be home.</p>

<p>We are from a Southside suburb of Chicago.
Major: Athletic Training
Minors: Psych and Spanish</p>


<p>Waitlist for CBHP…keeping fingers crossed</p>

<p>Plans to rush.
Has a couple of great roommates lined up…One from San Diego that she had bonded with and texts almost every day. One from Texas and one from Alabama that she met when we went for Capstone Honors Day.
Hoping to live in Ridgecrest South, I think</p>

<p>Wants to play IM Soccer, but not sure what else depends on the suceess of rushing I think.
RTR Everyone!</p>

<p>DD will be attending from a suburb south of B’ham. She will be majoring in Nursing and doing Honors College and IHP/Spanish. Will also be in MDB and concert bands. She and two friends from school will be rooming in Ridgecrest South/North Tower (hopefully!) They are all Honors and involved in MDB and concert bands. They are still looking for a person to finish out the suite. Prefer Honors student involved in marching/concert band, not rushing, no alcohol,drugs or smoking. Two of the girls are NMF so will be in the dorms all four years.</p>

<p>My D will definitely be attending this fall, having received her official invitation to the Blount program.</p>

<p>Home state: Texas
Intended major: Religious Studies
Dorm: Blount
Special Programs: Blount Undergraduate Initiative</p>

<p>Other: she will be auditioning for the Crimson Cabaret on 4/14. She wants to go through sorority recruitment.
And since she never posts on CC I’ll put this out for her - she needs a Blount roommate who is OK with a 5 am alarm going off M-F. Even if she doesn’t make the dance team she is currently on a 6 am workout schedule and hopes to continue that in college.</p>

<p>My D will be attending. She is excited!</p>

Major: Athletic Training (PHD Phys therapy goal)
Minor: Music (Piano)/Spanish
Dorm: Preference: Ridgecrest South
Bama Bound: May 29-30
Alabama Action</p>

<p>My S</p>

<p>Far north Chicago suburb
Engineering major (95% sure EE)
Bama Bound 5/31 - 6/1
Alabama Action