<p>and I will rate you as a boarder. It will be part of the evaluation process for the rankings.</p>
<p>so, this is like, the ultimate judgment for my worth as a CCer? (and obviously by extension my worth as a person?)</p>
<p>not really worth, but contribution. this has no indication of real life.</p>
<p>& the 2008 award for the most pointless thread goes too...................</p>
<p>and you bump it. This will go in my notes.</p>
<p>You must have a lot of notes by now, duckedtape...</p>
just some, even more to come
<p>I see, I see...</p>
<p>yes, good observation
<em>writes notes down</em></p>
<p>There was a version of Stand by R.E.M. on iTunes listed as 'explicit'. I was BAFFLED by the idea that a song like that one could be classified as explicit! I mean, if you've ever heard it, you know what I mean!</p>
<p>So I just had to buy it. And guess what? It's the exact normal song. You can only imagine my frustration! I wasted $0.99 on something I could've gotten off the internet for $0.00. Easily. Blah.</p>
<p>Oh well. I guess it's not like getting rejected by all the colleges you applied to, or starving to death in Africa, or getting raped, or cutting your heart open or something.</p>
<p>Could you evaluate post #10 immediately? I like instant gratification.</p>
<p>I must say that was a pretty good post because it brought out several possibilities of discussion in several areas.</p>