<p>Hey guys, I just woke up because I heard that SAT scores would be available at 4 AM EST!! I'm so anxious right now :) Well post what you got here!</p>
<p>4am EST??? seriously!</p>
<p>I was just searching the other threads and I keep on seeing 5 AM! nooooo</p>
<p>oh great…that means another hour…</p>
<p>800 Math II xD</p>
<p>now i can finally sleep soundly…</p>
<p>Critical Reading 600 79%
Math 730 96%
Writing 780 99%
Multiple Choice 74 (score range: 20-80)<br>
Essay 11 (score range: 2-12)</p>
<p>Critical Reading 710 96%
Math 800 99%
Writing 800 99%
Multiple Choice 80 (score range: 20-80)<br>
Essay 10 (score range: 2-12)</p>
<p>I’m wondering if I should retake to try to improve my critical reading…</p>
<p>^nvm, that was not a serious inquiry…perhaps I shall take the lit sat II instead…</p>
<p>excitinggggggggggg yay done with SATTTTTTTTTT</p>
<p>Apparently scores are up but my son’s aren’t. Maybe cause he took the test on Sunday? </p>
<p>Hope they will be up tomorrow but the site suggests a week later is more likely. Pooh.</p>
<p>^ I took the test on Sunday and I got my scores.</p>
<p>^Thanks. Guess I’ll call them today.</p>
<p>Have i learn nothing? Same score! Lol</p>
<p>oct: 800M 690M 780M
dec: 770M 700M 800M</p>
<p>2270OCT 2270DEC; superscored:2300</p>
<p>hell yeah!</p>
<p>^ Those are all great scores. Be happy.</p>
<p>Alright this was my first time taking the test:</p>
<p>CR: 650
Math: 640
Writing: 760</p>
<p>Total: 2050</p>
<p>I feel like I could have done much much much better.</p>
<p>I am lol.
its just i spent a lot trying to improve my CR and by the looks of my scores, it didn’t help :[</p>
<p>Math1: 690 (WHAT THE F? WOW)
Physics : 730
<p>I am not familiar with the SAT 2- are those scores decent?</p>
<p>I’m in the worst mood ever! I took it like everyone on Saturday and they told me to wait another WEEK!!! wow… Does anyone know if I can get them earlier somehow?</p>
<p>Math: 620…i dont even give a **** because i suck at math and in the end this is decent
Writing: 690…again, decent enough.
CR: 800. WHOOO! Hopefully this will make up a little for the fact that math makes me want to die.</p>
<p>i dont even care if math is a 620, i have improved and i am proud of myself if they’re not good enough for a college, the college can suck it</p>
<p>CR: 650 - Only 50 points up from last time and I practiced so hard…I absolutely hate this section
M: 770 - I guess I missed something but it doesn’t because I already superscored 800
W: 770 - 75 MC and 10 essay. Decent I guess.</p>
<p>So 2190. A bit disappointed. Really hoping for 2300+ next time.</p>
<p>So I called collegeboard and they said my test was going through an “exceptional test grading system” Does anyone know what this is because I asked the rep and she kept on eluding the question. And I can’t find it on google!</p>