<p>fieldsmedal, is that a joke? Where are you going next year?</p>
<p>I have a question about the National AP scholar thing. OK, I have the avg. of at least a 4 thing but I've only taken 8 exams (1-3, 2-4s, 5-5s) unless you count the ab subscore(5) as a second exam, in which case I've taken 9. I would then have the "4 or higher on eight or more exams" requirement. So I guess my question is will they count the ab subscore as a seperate exam or am I screwed?</p>
<p>so either i suck a lot more at chemistry then i thought i did, or collegeboard scored my ap exam wrong. :( do we ever get a detailed report on our free response answers back? i'm kinda curious on how i did so horrible, when i was expecting a 4+... (got a 2! the hell, hahaha our AVERAGE last year was a 4.2. my ap chem teacher is going to go ballistic -- he usually has 95%+ of the class score above a 3... guess that college rec is outta the question now)</p>
<p>however, i got a 5 in ap european history... when i did horrible in the class (c+ final grade...), the average for our school is a 3.0 or something... and i did not study for this because i was cramming for chemistry. </p>
<p>... OI, this sucks haha</p>
<p>no you just get the number grade...it sucks</p>
<p>oh dear, with a name like fieldsmedal, i wouldn't be surprised if he's on the cusp of winning one.</p>
<p>no you can get your FRQ and MC but you have to pay them extra. they're thieves.</p>
<p>Whoa precocious..did you study for the chem exam? That's a big discrepancy. Although someone on this board said they expected a 5 on calc bc but received a 1.. hmmm.....</p>
<p>Statistics - 5
Lit - 4
Spanish - 4
US Gov - 3</p>
<p>I took calc bc only and got 5.
Someone who I know took twelve APs last year and got 5 on all! he is super genius! BTW he went to Yale.
But fieldsmedal is definetely same level with that kid.</p>
<p>fut, you are screwed. AB subscore doesn't count.</p>
<p>I called and they didnt have my Spanish lit yet... but</p>
<p>AP calc B/C-5 AB subscore-5
AP Chem-5
AP Physics E/M: 4</p>
Whoa precocious..did you study for the chem exam? That's a big discrepancy. Although someone on this board said they expected a 5 on calc bc but received a 1.. hmmm.....
define "study"... lol. i did study, somewhat - if you call cramming for a week or so studying. but i did feel well prepared, we sort of prepped in class for a few weeks, i dunno - our teacher is supposed to be pretty good. i just probably suck horribly at chem. ah well. i'll get over it :) my totally unexpected history score makes up for it</p>
<p>nice job though you guys -- i'm seeing nothing but 4's and 5's haha :] hope you get the college credit you deserve!</p>
<p>US History 5
Biology 5
Calculus AB 5</p>
<p>Calculus BC - 5
AB Sub Score - 5
Computer Science - 5
English Lit and Comp - 4
Chemistry - 5</p>
<p>How does the lady on the phone say the scores?
Slowly? Fast?
In what order?
How does she sound?
What phrases does she say?</p>
<p>I need to be ready to hear my bad scores.. lol'z</p>
<p>I really wish I'd known what APs were before junior year- stupid NYS Regents.</p>
<p>Last year:<br>
Biology- 5
US History- 5</p>
<p>This year:
English Literature- 5
European History- 5
Macro- 5
Micro- 5
US Gov- 5 (self-studied)</p>
<pre><code> I took World History and English Language late, so I'm still
waiting to find out- but I think they'll both
be 5s, because I thought they were the easiest of my tests (I
prepared for World on my own since it's not offered).
<p>fut18000 - there are actually two requirements. 1) Get a 4 or 5 on 8 exams; 2) Have an average grade of at least 4.00 on ALL exams taken. Subscores don't count. Your average score is 4.50, so you meet the second requirement. However, you only have a 4 or 5 on 7 exams, so, sorry, you wouldn't qualify. You would, however, get the AP Scholar with Distinction award - so congratulations!</p>
<p>U.S. History - 5
Chemistry - 5
English Language - 5
YAY! These were my first APs...chemistry was a total shock.</p>
<p>Question guys. I got a 5,3,2</p>
<p>Next year (senior year) if I get a 4,3,3 will that be enough for an AP scholar with distinction ( I think its the 3rd one. You need a 3.5 and a 3 or > on at least 5 exams). Please let me know. Also when do you get the awards? I don't want them during college >.>. Please answer fast. Man I hate my school. I live in WV in some remote town. Only 2 people, me being one, out of my 1600 kid school got a 5 in the total AP program. I go to a horrible school >.<. Well thanks for the response about the award questions.</p>
<p>What's the point of the AP scholar awards? Can we put them on our college apps?</p>