Post your AP Scores! 2006

<p>Hahaha- well I'll be a National Scholar (assuming I get 5s on World History and English Lang, which I think will happen- stupid late testing), but I'm leaving for UVA August 19th so it won't do anything for me.</p>

<p>Yes, I'm sure you can put them on- and I'm also quite certain colleges will be very pleased to see any AP Scholar awards.</p>


<p>5 Calc BC
5 AB subscore
5 English Lit
4 US Gov
4 Micro
3 Physics B =p</p>

<p>I did way better than expected because, as a senior, I didn't even open my book for calc, micro, english, or physics. If anything, I'm disappointed with Gov. because I actually learned something in that class...but oh well, such is life.</p>

<p>Thanks theone....I guess it doesn't matter since I'm starting school in september! Quick question, why don't you like Governor Corzine? Sorry, I'm not up to speed on New jersey politics besides the fact that ya'll have a competitive senate race up there this year.</p>

<p>on the collegeboard site..what is the AP number?</p>

<p>are you telling me that I could have called days ago and had my scores??? As in, I can call right now?</p>

Yes, I'm sure you can put them on- and I'm also quite certain colleges will be very pleased to see any AP Scholar awards.


<p>I'm sure I missed this, but do they send a certificate confirming your award or do you just know by your test scores and automatically just "qualify" without notice?</p>

<p>Chem- 5
Eng Lang- 3 (didn't write a third essay... it was a paragraph)
Human Geo- 5 </p>


<p>they send a certificate</p>

<p>smartysportboy- kinda slow today aren't you? LOL yeah you can call them but you have to pay 8 bucks</p>

<p>I know that I got two exams with at least a 4 or 5. My college transcript says I have credit for those courses, and you have to have a 4 or 5 to get credit. But, I don't know the exact scores, and I don't know about the other exams (did badly on Spanish due to crappy reasons but will take the exam in college to get credit... I prob got a 3 on the lit exam unless it hasn't been processed).</p>

<p>But, you see, I'm what you call "cheap" and I don't really want to call in to get scores, haha. So, I'm fine knowing I got credit.</p>

<p>fosho, your AP number is the number on the stickers in your AP test booklet. You know, the one you had to use on every single test you took, multiple times? You were supposed to keep it because that's your identification number for all 2006 tests. If you don't have it, you'll have to wait for your scores to be mailed to you.</p>

<p>yeah, yeah i'm slow</p>

<p>us history: 5 (whoa wonderful)
english comp: 4 (also great considering how bad my 2nd essay was, and i didn't like those flamingos much either)
latin (virgil): 3 (awesome considering how hard i thought the test was!)</p>

<p>If you dont have your AP number... use your SS#.</p>

<p>Micro- 3 (OMG i NEEDED THIS BAH)
APES - 5
Government- 4
Calculus- 5
Physics B - 3 (haha didnt do jack squat)
Stats- 5</p>

<p>YICK im just ****ed over psychology :(.</p>

<p>oh darn it, i gave in...</p>

<p>last year:
AP Stats: 5</p>

<p>this year:
AP Eng Lit: 4 (afkldjfa darn it)
AP Calc AB: 5
AP Span Lang: 5</p>

<p>if you don't have your ap number you can call the number, hit option 2, and youll talk to someone. if you provide info about yourself theyll tell you your number</p>

<p>So when are we going to get these in the mail, did we get an answer? Are they mailed today, or mailed in mid-July?</p>

<p>My son just called yesterday:</p>

<p>European History: 5
US History: 5<br>
English : 5<br>
Bio: 5
Enviorn. Sci. 5</p>

So when are we going to get these in the mail, did we get an answer? Are they mailed today, or mailed in mid-July?


<p>They're mailed today.</p>

<p>The calendar says that the scores are being mailed today - July 1st. But the rest of the site says they will be at your house by mid July.</p>

<p>Hmm, it's weird b/c I still have my grade report w/ envelope from last year, but they never stamped the envelope so I don't know when my scores came last year, but then i checked my myspace b/c a friend commented about my chem score and the date says the 16th of june so that means, that at least for NJ, that scores came somewhere b/w the 14th and the 16th.</p>