Post your college's definition . . .

<p>. . . according to Urban Dictionary! Choose the most ridiculous, vulgar, or bitter one.</p>

<p>For example:
Wesleyan University is a small liberal arts college located in Middletown, Connecticut. Founded in 1831 by Methodist leaders, Wesleyan prides itself in providing a place for gay men in prom dresses and women with mustaches to roam the hillsides free of ridicule or embarrassment. With the exception of a handful of extremely attractive, intelligent, and relatively "normal" individuals, most students at Wesleyan are social outcasts, or techies, who take refuge in the university's open-minded, sunshine bathed, rainbow draped, "hurt me not my tree" philosophy.

<p>Dartmouth College: </p>

<p>Small college in Hanover, NH. Ivy League doormat since 1769.</p>

<p>Cornell University:</p>

<p>The member of the Ivy League that is looked down upon as the “Crappy Ivy” (a rather oxymoronic term in itself as all Ivies are excellent schools) by the other seven members of the Ivy League, because it is the least challenging to get into, is partially a state school, and has the highest suicide rate.
Hey, did you get into Harvard?
Cornell University?
Sorry man, that sucks.
Yeah it does.</p>

<p>Smith College:</p>

<p>A women’s college in Northampton, Massachusetts. No other women’s college can compare to it; Mount Holyoke College and Wellesley College may disagree, but their indignation is futile. Smith has a reputation for being full of lesbians; in reality it is only half full of lesbians. These lesbians are frequently found playing rugby or participating in crew. A large majority of the straight girls on campus had no idea that there were no men on campus when they applied. Students and alumni of Smith College are referred to as “Smithies,” and even if you don’t like that when you first come to school, you get used to it. Instead of having freshmen, Smith College has “first-years” to avoid being gender-specific, and one of its class deans is named Tom Riddell, leading many people to believe that Smith is, in fact, Hogwarts.</p>

<p>Just because I go to Smith College, that does not make me a man-hating lesbian. I was one of those regardless.</p>

<p>Clemson University</p>

<p>Clemson University was founded in 1889 as a land-grant institution in the upstate of South Carolina. It was donated by Thomas Green Clemson, who willed his house and the surrounding area to the state of South Carolina to create a technical and scientific university. When it first opened its doors in 1893, Clemson was a military institution with less than 500 students.</p>

<p>Clemson University is comprised of five colleges: the College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences, the College of Architecture, Arts, and Humanities, the College of Business and Behavioral Science, the College of Engineering and Science, and the College of Health, Education and Human Development. There are more than 80 undergraduate degree programs.</p>

<p>Time Magazine’s Public College of the Year in 2001.</p>

<p>Clemson is one of the best college environments in the country. Its just the right size and you get to experience the true southern hospitality of South Carolina. The social scene will provide something for everyone and during the fall a home football transforms the town. Everyone wears orange and shows their spirit. “Solid Orange It’s About Pride.” Clemson has one of the loudest stadiums in the country, had the largest “ESPN College GameDay” audience ever in 2006, The Tigers school the “lamecocks” at football, and Death Valley is where The Tigers run!!!
Clemson Student: “Wait…where do you go to school?”
USC Student: “University of South Carolina.”
Clemson Student: “Oh…that sucks…I go to Clemson.” </p>

<p>Home of the Clemson Tigers, the greatest, and Death Valley. Clemson University campus awesome and the partyin’ kicks ass!
“I’m going to Clemson this fall, that kicks ass!” </p>

<p>A half-ass wannabe-southern school that tries at college football, and is good at choking in huge games, especially against Virginia Tech. I wish every graduate of clemson good luck, because they will need it to get out of that ■■■ patty they call a school.
You want a real party? Go to Auburn. You want be black and act mad ■■■■■■■■■■ Go to University of Miami. You want a great degree? go to Virginia Tech. You want to blow on the meat oboe? go to clemson (or Georgia Tech for that matter- *<strong><em>ing bees]. Invent the future motha</em></strong>*a </p>

<p>The best place on the *<strong><em>ing planet, where everybody thinks that the University of South Carolina blows ass.
Wow, did you see the Clemson Tigers beat the living *</em></strong> out of the USC Gamecocks for four years in a row? I sure did!</p>

<li> University of South Carolina 80 up, 122 down love it hate it</li>

<p>Everything that Clemson is, minus the awesome girls, campus, spirit, and education. A place for kids who would really rather be at Clemson but can’t read.
when evil men die, god sends them to the University of South Carolina.</p>

<p>University of Central Florida</p>

<p>1) A relatively new school that has been building and expanding exponentially more than most other universities in the country. </p>

<p>2) The University of Central Florida </p>

<p>3) A large university, which (like all large universities) has it’s share of intelligent people and complete dumb-asses. Unfortunately the dumb-asses happen to be louder, always. </p>

<p>4) A school that 90% of it’s students take for granted. If they have actually visited other state’s regional schools, they’d find out that they were pretty lucky to be at UCF. </p>

<p>5) Home of some pretty bad sports, due mostly to the fact that Orlando is so apathetic that they would rather support the Gators (who don’t need more fans) than help build their own college athletics program. </p>

<p>“UCF Sucks! Look at how many Gator decals I have !!!”
“Oh? What has your school done in the last 10 years?
UCF has built billions of dollars of academic construction projects, expanded its student body five-fold, and has competed nationally in virtually every field, and has humorously lost just about every foot ball game they have ever played.” </p>

<p>“I’m a UCF student and I was admitted to one tier-one school and one actual ivy-league school (not UF, cause UF isn’t close to Ivy). To hell with your rivalries; I just want an education.”</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>Urban Dictionary: UCF;

An Ivy League university located in Philadelphia for either smart OR rich kids. Way Better than Princeton.
Often confused with Penn State.
*Normal Person: So you go to Penn? Too bad about those Nittany Lions…
Penn Student: <em>sigh</em><a href=“lol”>/i</a></p>

Function: noun
1 : An Ivy League University in the heart of the city of Philadelphia. Nestled within “University City,” the school attracts the best and brightest, socially apt, and interesting individuals from around the globe.
2 : A Place where you receive a degree that gives you a wide variety of job options once you graduate; especially if you attend the Wharton School of Business.
Antonym: Princeton.
Random guy: “Hey man, I heard you got into all your schools! Congrats! So you’re going to Princeton right?”
Random Guy 2: “Nope, I opted to go to Penn to pursue what I love, and still lead a normal existance.”
Random Guy: “Nice!”


The University of Pennsylvania
see Penn and jewPenn</p>

A name given to Upenn for the abundance of people of jewish heritage.
I got into an ivy league school, so I decided to go to Jewpenn</p>

<p>University of Michigan</p>

<p>Definition: A college that is 20 times better than those bastards in Ohio. </p>

<p>Source: <a href=“[/url]”>Urban Dictionary: University of Michigan;


<p>That university in Nashville Tennessee. Where everyone wears polo shirts with the collars popped, guys have seersucker shorts and flip flops and girls miniskirts and Ugg boots or flip flops. Where the frats and sororities reign supreme. Where drunkeness is expected. Where your social status as a freshman is determined by whether you live in Branscomb or Kissam. Where there are more rival fans than Vandy fans at football games. Where everyone is too rich and spoiled to give a crap about the world.</p>

<p>We have some pretty epic ones:</p>

<p>Temple University</p>

<p>Temple University is the Harvard of Philadelphia. Not really, but the students could kick any Harvard boy’s ass because Main Campus is in the ghetto. Don’t bother going to the Center City campus unless you want to get mugged, Ambler Campus is a joke, and Tyler is the art school…with artsy people. Definitely the best university ever. Temple is better than Drexel, UPenn, and St. Joe’s combined. Seriously.
I’ll kick your ass, I’m from Temple! <a href=“truth”>b</a>**</p>

<p>Temple University</p>

<p>It’s not the Harvard of Philly, it’s the Princeton on Broad Street. Or at least that President Adamany’s dream. <a href=“Adamany%20was%20kind%20of%20an%20idiot.%20Thankfully,%20he’s%20gone”>b</a>**
Temple University is located in Majestic North Philadelphia. </p>

<p>Temple University</p>

<p>A good school in Philly with a **** HORRIBLE football team. I love watching the Temple Owls lose football games
“I went to Temple University”</p>

<p>“Can you believe it folks? Duke has just beaten Temple by a score of 68 to 0!” </p>

<p>Thankfully, our football team is no longer '** horrible’, and we lose less frequently than when that was written 3 years ago.**</p>

<p>Temple University</p>

<p>A safety school in Philadelphia sometimes referred to as “Thug U” because it is located in the ghetto and the students are rude and ignorant.
I couldn’t get into Nova, St. Joe’s, or UPenn so I ended up at Temple University. </p>

<p>Shame they’re not aware that anyone with a pulse gets into St. Joe’s, which is probably the most overpriced school in the country. I can’t say I’ve ever heard anyone refer to Temple as ‘Thug U’, though. Plenty of people also turn down Nova for Temple.</p>

<p>I love going to an underdog university.</p>

<p>Duke University</p>

<li> Institution of higher learning located in Durham, NC. Home to intelligent, competitive, party-loving people who like basketball a whole lot. Arguably one of the best schools in the nation, and one of the hardest to get into.</li>

<p>*“Duke University just beat UNC in basketball. Go Blue Devils!” *</p>

<li><p>One of the most selective and prestigious universities in the world. Ranked top 5 in the nation by US Newsweek. Famous for its men’s basketball team and academic reputation. Notorious for the lacrosse scandal and low racial interaction. Filled with school spirit, rich new england jocks and lots of alcohol.</p></li>
<li><p>Duke University is a place where those who write positive descriptions of the school on this website can write in intelligible english, while those who bash the school can’t spell jersey, university, extremely, their, although, may, etc, and obviously attend either UNC or NC State or have taken a more respectable path in life, choosing to work at McDonald’s. Duke University is the best school anywhere outside of Princeton, NJ, and Cambridge, MA, hands down.</p></li>

<p>If you go to Duke University, you probably wanted to go to Harvard and didn’t get in. You also probably got into UPenn and chose Duke instead.</p>

<p>LOL somewhat accurate (ie unc hate, "…wanted to go to harvard [except this is stanford in my case haha] and didn’t get in) and ADMITTEDLY somewhat arrogant. oh well :)</p>

<p>Haverford College</p>

<p>A school on the Main Line in which marrying your money is required in order to attend.</p>

<p>The Haverford kid purchased a new Porsche with some pocket change that he found in the back pocket of his pants.</p>


<p>The rest of the entries refer to Haverford as an all-male school. Haverford has been co-ed for decades now …</p>

<p>Previous College:</p>

<p>SUNY Plattsburgh
A small SUNY school in the heart of Plattsburgh, NY, a small north country town on Lake Champlain about 20 minutes away from the border (and a really “awesome” bar called The Rocket, where you can get some coke with that Molson). Nearly every student enrolled, except for the copious amounts of Japanese exchange students, had Plattsburgh as about number six on their list of schools they wished to attend. Then, they either got lazy or didn’t get into any other school they applied to. So they came to Plattsburgh State University becuase if you could write your name on the application you were in. This led to the massive influx of freshmen in the fall of 06, leading to really lame parties and no parking spaces for anyone. In past years, it was actually really fun. Then all the fun people left. Over the years, it has gotten progressively lamer. When students get really bored of the lameness, they take a trip to Montreal and realize how ****ty their life is. This is usually compensated for by heavily drinking at least 5 days out of the week and smoking ones self stupid, then going downtown to get Pizza Bonos. Homework is rarely done, not because of laziness, but because this is Plattsburgh.</p>

<p>for some reason, the administrators changed the name to Plattsburgh State University College in 05. why the repetativeness? no one knows.</p>

<p>One of the qualities a Plattsburgh State student must have is a deep, penetrating hatred for ones self and a want to either jump off of the Kehoe administration building with a group of friends or drown themselves in the the Hawkins Pond. There is actually a facebook group devoted to this sentiment. If you go to Plattsburgh, you are probably a member.
Another is a drive to become the best semi-functioning alcoholic/stoner they can be.</p>

<p>Most students say they are going to transfer next semester. They want to see if they’ll hate themselves as much somewhere else. They will. This transfer to another school rarely happens, and if it does, that person is our life-long idol.</p>

<p>If you go here, you know and love poutine.*
Hey, what do you want to do on this fine, freezing cold August day at Plattsburgh State University ?</p>

<p>I want to drink my face off, try not to kill myself, and smoke myself ■■■■■■■■!</p>

<p>Awesome! me too!</p>

<p>Sweet! then we can go to Pizza Bonos, drink more downtown, then go jump in Lake Champlain and hope that Champy gets us before hypothermia!</p>

Current College:</p>

<p>Fordham University</p>

<p>Probably the hardest yet smartest college on the eastern seaboard. Bodegas rule the streets along with people selling bottleg movies, northface jackets, and drugs. Overall though, on some real fordham will dead you.
Yo what happened to my northface?</p>

<p>That ***t got ran and sold at half price on fordham road

<p>College as of the fall: (third transfer is always a charm)</p>


<p>The fifth oldest school in the United States, and a member of the prestigious Ivy League. Columbia University was founded in 1754 as King’s College, and the university has switched locations three times within the island of Manhattan. Although Columbia was founded as a loyalist university, Alexander Hamilton, a Columbia alum, helped keep the university going after the Revolution, alongside his fellow Columbian, John Jay.</p>

<p>Columbia is currently located in the Morningside Heights Neighborhood of Manhattan, near Harlem. However, the school has completely gentrified the area, and the neighborhood has become as overpriced as the rest of New York. The University is also the largest private landowner in New York City, along with the Catholic Church, and the endowment is one of the largest in the nation. Tuition for undergrads averages to about $50,000 per year, and graduate tuition tends to be even higher.</p>

<p>The University’s journalism school issues the Pulitzer Prize every year, and Columbia University professors and alums lay claim to the invention of FM radio, the early stages of the Manhattan Project, and a number of other advances. Furthermore, Columbia lays claim to more Nobel Prize winning affiliates than any other university in the world.</p>

<p>Undergraduate colleges include Columbia College and the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. Columbia is also affiliated with the Seven Sisters school, Barnard College; however, most Columbia students do not refer to Barnard girls as Columbians, and undergrads from the two schools often hate that Barnard girls think they go to Columbia. Barnard degrees are certified by Columbia, and the schools’ respective students often argue and complain about Barnard’s relationship.</p>

<p>Columbia College’s acceptance rate usually hovers below 9%, making the school one of the most exclusive universities in the world. Columbia students are usually left in the political arena, and the school is regarded as one of the most liberal ivies; however, most students at Columbia are usually spoiled rich kids. In contrast to other ivies, many Columbia students solely apply to Columbia, instead of applying to all of the ivies. Many students are lured to the school by the appeal of living in New York City.</p>

<p>Columbia’s other schools include the prestigious Columbia law school, Teacher’s College, and the School of Physicians and Surgeons. All Columbia graduate programs are ranked within the top 10 in the country, and the schools are incredibly difficult to get into.</p>

<p>Columbia alums include Barack Obama, Alexander Hamilton, Robert Livingston, Jack Kerouac, Theodore Roosevelt, Lou Gherig, Madeleine Albright, Eric Holder, Warren Buffett, Spiderman and many other world leaders in business, politics, medicine, and all other disciplines.
Guy 1: Isn’t Columbia University the only Ivy in New York?
Columbian: Well, there is Cornell.
Guy 1: Like I said, isn’t Columbia the only Ivy in New York?

<p>… where fun goes to die!</p>

Where hopeful youth go to have their aspirations obliterated. See: antonyms for Disneyworld, Utopia</p>

<p>Neil: “Yo, dude! I’m goin to Cornell!”</p>

<p>Brian: “Can I have your stereo after you jump off the bridge?” </p>

<p>The home of an elite group of scholars at whom Harvard students laugh from ages 18-22, and work for until retirement.</p>

<p>Assistant: “Hey boss, didn’t you go to Cornell University?”</p>

<p>CEO: “Yes, get me a coffee.” </p>

<p>Where Harvard goes to lose at hockey. Also see: Lynah Rink.
i.e., Cornell University beats Harvard 2-0 at home. i.e., Harvard’s inability to score on a friday night.</p>

<p>Yeah, Cornell hockey is pretty sick.</p>



<p>Yes, they’re talking about The Haverford School, which is one of the top prep schools in our area.</p>






<p>further down</p>



<p>Emory University…</p>

<p>a college where lots of skinny brunettes walk around talking on cell phones and where the annual budget for tulips would make Ivana Trump blush</p>

<p>Example: Emory University, the Harvard of the south, has way too many girls from Long Island.</p>