<p>A few months ago I received the postcard series that UChicago sent out to prospective students in the mail. They each have a mini-essay question on the back - does anybody know what happens if I send something in? Do they use them for the next year's series of postcards? Could they affect acceptance at all (I doubt this, but I want to be sure)? Or do they just want to see what we have to say?</p>
<p>they don’t affect acceptance. i kept all my postcards because i thought they were really cute :). but i never answered them, and i still got in.
i think it’s just a way of showing interest in them.</p>
<p>At a summer visitation, they said that when you send them back, they create a file for you and put them in there and add everything else that will be sent in to them.</p>
<p>Ahh, a file, I see. Exactly what I needed to know, thank you!</p>