UChicago Postcards

<p>Perhaps I am attaching uber-importance to this, but I was wondering.
I received my last postcard from UChicago today (sadness) and it said if I didn't send it in I wouldn't be on their mailing list anymore. So, of course I responded, ran to the mailbox, and promptly put it in. Supposing somehow the one postcard I mailed back (even though I read and enjoyed all the others) gets lots in the mail? Am I off the mailing list? Does UChicago assume I am uninterested? Does it all matter or am I being an overly uptight prospie?!</p>

<p>I really like UChicago and I really liked reading their stuff and learning more about them.</p>

<p>Also, I took the test on UChicago and it said, 'You could stand to learn a little more about UChicago. Congratulations!'
Does everyone get this or is this bad?</p>

<p>You are being an “overly uptight prospie” =).</p>

<p>I really don’t think it matters–sending an application is the best indicator of interest in a school. I doubt that they monitor who returns those postcards.</p>