Posts on Forums seem to be down considerably

I’m not as technically inclined by any means as @DigitalDad, but agree in concept that some threads get way too long and unwieldy and that has also contributed to my not getting as involved as I once used to, because if I have a life and job outside of CC and I miss a few hours on some long thread, it has gotten so far and moved so fast and there is too much to read through to catch up.

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I do have to agree that CC does not feel very welcoming to some teens. I encouraged S24 to make his own account to get feedback on his essay. He did that and was grateful for the help. But he said he read a few posts and felt like if he asked questions about his major or schools he would get picked apart in all his decisions. Back to Reddit (A2C) and Discord he went.

I think CC is a great source of information - for parents. I have learnt a lot here as I guide my first kid through his application process. I will stay here for a few more years until S26 goes off to college. My kids are in a big public school and do not have access to stellar college counselling. CC has helped me fill in the gaps in their knowledge about the application process.

I try to participate and give back as much as I can with my limited knowledge. Hopefully as I learn more I can be more helpful.


See you in ten years! :laughing:

I’m going to disagree about subthreads and subthreads. That’s something I really dislike about Reddit. It’s very confusing to me.

I find that the marker showing where I last read is helpful.

@lvvcsf , you might be interested to know that the last four days have been significantly busier than all but two days last month. Probably because people are returning from vacations, getting ready for school, etc…


and Common App opened

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I know we disagree with each other all the time (which I think makes CC more interesting), but there’re plenty of things regarding college applications/admissions we agree on. Why couldn’t those things be put into a few FAQ/Wiki threads at the top of each forum/section?


I love this idea and also think this will lead to so, so, so many reply posts starting with the words, “If you read the wiki/FAQ…” :rofl:


In other systems, the preference of message display (threaded vs. feed) can be chosen by the visitor.

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Returning to add that the banner ads at the bottom of the page not only are moving, but some of them include a small box with an automatically streaming video. It’s really annoying. Clicking the corner to make the banner go away will close it for seconds. It is covering the button to post the edit I am typing right now… I have to drag open the reply box wider to get it to go away in order to press “Save Edit.”

The banner ad is from Google Ads and nothing I do seems to get rid of it for more than a few seconds. (This is on PC.)

I turned AdBlock back on, which seems to have helped quite a bit. But, after closing the CC tab and reopening, ads are back. I can manually get AdBlock to work, but would like to know if there’s a setting I can use that I don’t have to manually check every time I open a CC tab.

I have been on CC for several years. My two oldest are in their mid-20’s and my youngest is about to leave for college. I agree that the individual college/university forum posts are down from what they were 5-6 years ago. I got rid of Facebook many years ago but had to resurrect my account for the school my youngest will be attending… since that is where all the relevant information seems to be these days. The “pinned” posts on the main page like ask xyz about this particular industry or career etc. is great. Perhaps someone needs to look at what Reddit and some of the other websites offer and maybe restructure CC. There are A LOT of topics that really have no activity or limited activity…


I came to this particular forum to complain about the ads at the bottom. Wow, are they annoying. Please get rid of them! I can’t even click to reply without it being a headache. :frowning:


I know you saw my other thread, but I’m having the same trouble. The ads just reopen immediately after I close them.

I’m also having a new issue of the site “jumping around” when on my phone.

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Issues with ads should really be on the appropriate thread. Such posts make no sense here and only result in derailing the thread.

This one is on me. I made the decision to consolidate the MT Forum back in 2021. By that time the majority of college-specific MT categories were rarely used. My goal was to help people find the right place to post to get the best audience to answer there question or continue the discussion. Looking at the participation in MT-related threads, I failed. I’m sorry I played a part in making CC less useful for musical theater students.

I’m certainly open to suggestions about how we might become a better resource for these students.

Interesting. Looking at the PTA Facebook group I’m on, it appears files added in links are collected in one place to be referred to again, if necessary. I don’t see a lot of people on CC posting links to files, but I wonder if creating more FAQ-style posts would serve a similar purpose? What sort of files to people post on your groups? (The PTA group mostly has calendars, fliers and permission forms.)

I’ll disagree with you! I find the way Reddit does it much easier. I participate on another non-college-related forum that used to be busy but it has lost a lot of people to Reddit. If CC wants to attract kids they should definitely take cues from the way Reddit and Discord do it and not be old school.


This is a vestigial feature that tried to show people the topics they are interested in using algorithms. Think the Facebook and Twitter feeds that aren’t strictly chronological. So, in a way, it’s similar to what your are asking but on a higher level. It . . . wasn’t very useful. But that might have been an implementation problem rather than the general idea. I’m going to see about removing that dropdown, which isn’t doing anything anymore.

I have noticed a lot fewer students posting “Chance Me” threads here. Mature CC members would give honest, informed answers. That was not what many of the students wanted to hear. On the other chat sites a student with excellent stats may be told that “You have a great chance of getting into Harvard.” That is not true for anyone.


When looking around online and talking to people about CC, we get the feedback that “Chance Me” threads here are “toxic”. The idea is that someone with “perfect” stats ask if they can get into an elite school and the responses are negative. If your stats aren’t as good, the thinking goes, you’ll be discouraged just from reading other people’s responses.

We should continue to give honest, informed answers! Other feedback I hear is that people do appreciate the advice even if it seems harsh sometimes. (Our moderators are another highlight, by the way.) There’s probably no perfect solution, but I don’t think it’ll help to give people the wrong impression. Elite schools are selective even for elite students. The good news is there are hundreds of alternatives that top students can be admitted to which offer excellent educations.

Instead of saying “You have a great chance of getting into Harvard” or “Your odds of being accepted are low”, I think the best answers look more like:

Your stats give you a better chance than most, but Harvard is really selective! Have you considered some alternatives such as insert schools here.

That said there’s a quirk of human psychology that people tend to gloss over bits that don’t resonate with their emotional response. If someone has their heart set on a particular school, there’s a good chance they will notice anything that’s less than positive. Some people will have a negative reaction no matter how much we spin it. :person_shrugging:


I’m sorry to say that toxic is a catch all phrase with teens that means, “I didn’t like what they said.” Or, better put, “Wahhh! They were mean to me!”

I’ve mentioned before that I occasionally look at Reddit. It is the blind leading the blind. It’s probably very nice if you want to feel hopeful. Reddit is virtually a free for all where kids can swear, exaggerate, misinform and loudly cheer each other on. And, as I’ve mentioned before, I think it’s a great big teen rumpus room. It would have been fun back in the day, and I wish I had been able to use Reddit when I was an angsty teen.

I get that CC wants to attract teens. As someone who works with teens nearly every day, I think there is more angst than ever. I am sorry if kids feel the truth is “toxic,” but I’m not going to sugar-coat things to protect feelings. I’m fine with saying “you’re a great student but…”


I don’t think CC is toxic, but often, it’s needlessly harsh. Overall, we could probably provide the same info a bit more kindly. At the same time, it can be hard to do that the 50th time responding to the same question!

There are, of course, many regulars who are quite patient and sensitive, but their input is peppered with enough that is shrill, so posting here could feel quite risky!

Often, posters take off on their own direction ignoring the OP’s question. Sometimes, it’s about something that’s valid and related, but often the digression is likely of little value to the OP. The mods here are great, and that’s a huge plus for this site, and they dovstep in if the digression goes on too long or too far, but often the OP is gone at that point!

I guess what I’m saying is that we can do better.


The written word on a forum like CC leaves A LOT of room for interpretation of tone.

I think “Chance Me” threads are fairly useless because no one here can provide accurate, situation specific advice.

I completely understand the reaction of teens to the treatment they get here, and I’m not one to defend Gen Z.