Posts showing weird format

Why do some replies on threads have a bunch of html tags like

and stuff?

How do I fix it?

Tagging @CC_Jon

Oy….and I can’t seem to reply to many threads…

I believe any such post is ancient from when we migrated to this platform. While some old threads can be fun to read, most are outdated

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I saw some tags showing up in posts from today.

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As it happens, I’ve been looking at this problem recently. Over the years we’ve migrated from one forum software platform to another and sometimes the old posts didn’t get imported correctly. We can usually fix the problems with a bit of code, but running that code on all of the posts in our system will take time and computational resources. So I’ve been fixing some of our most visited posts recently.

Please let me know what posts you are looking at so I can see if I can fix them. The easiest is to just copy the URL from your browser’s address bar. It’s entirely possible my “fix” has made things worse for some posts. If so, I especially would like to know about it!

@CC_Jon actually did fix one of these old formatted messed up posts when I asked…because it’s one I share a lot. Thank you so much!