<p>Hey guys...</p>
<p>I had an idea for my essay, but I'm afraid it might make it extremely heavy and dense. It would be about how I was diagnosed with Annorexia after undergoing a rigorous diet (I was obese, attained my ideal weight and then... Well, things got out of my hand). I'm almost cured, so I thought that would be able to reflect my inner personality. Even though, I'm quite scared regarding the impact that would cause... I keep imagining an admissions officer looking that and saying "Oh God, we don't want a potential problem for our school's health office... The guy had a disease that people normally don't get back to normal so easily... What if bla bla bla bla..."</p>
<p>Thanks everyone for the help :)</p>
<p>no one?!?
bump me…</p>
<p>Oooh, from Sao Paulo, Brazil? I’m Brazilian too, and from SP!! :)</p>
<p>Well, my opinion is that is you choose a topic like this you have to be <em>very careful</em> about how you end it and how you write your conclusion. I don’t think admission officers will think you’ll be a “problem” for their health office. Instead, they might be confused as to why you wrote about such a heavy topic, and then didn’t “connect” it to your future university life. You can’t make it seem like you’re writing this for them to feel sorry for you. Instead, say something like:
“I learned so much about human determination and human motivation when I battled this disorder. Because of this hardship I faced, I am very confident in my ability to…” and then you can either tell them how your motivation reflects your high school studies/how it will reflect your future studies, or how it has affected your goals in life (maybe you want to help youths suffering this in the future?) </p>
<p>I hope I helped! What I basically mean is, make sure you give them a <em>reason</em> why you’re writing about this. It has to have had a great impact on your life, not just because it’s a unique story!
Good luck and I’m glad you’re overcoming this hardship</p>
<p>Thank you so much!</p>
<p>Great to know someone hit the nail on the head regarding my idea for the essay! Taht’s exactly what I wanted to show them! My determination and capacity to overcome psychological difficulties and my continuous quest for balance and harmony in my life (as I’m curing myself from such a disease, there’s a huge epiphany going on inside my head and it’s turning my life ethics into a “quest for the golden path of balance” as the chinese would say =P)</p>
<p>Thank again LemonCat!</p>