Pound at $1.14

Lowest level since 1985.

I am loving it!!


Never had favorable conditions like this at the start of Michaelmas. Now that my son is a London worker getting paid in pounds he’s not so happy.

ikr?! the relevant child is being paid in $$ & her brand-new husband in ££ :grin:

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Brexit freedom!

Brexit Explains 80% of U.K. Inflation, Former BOE Official Says


:rage: (but not at you @RichInPitt).

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For US parents of current UK students, yes, it’s fabulous! I have compared our actual costs so far this year (D is a 1st year) based on the 1.4 rate from last August when we visited the UK unis of interest. Using that 1.4 as our baseline, we’ve saved over $7k so far. My only hope is that it doesn’t swing too far over 1.4 before she graduates.

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Getting very interesting now - my screen currently shows 1.107

Now even less, but worse for us is that the euro is less than the dollar :scream:

I am sorry/not sorry to say that I am delighted with this news. I’m headed to the UK in a few days time and my daughter is just about to pay her fees at Oxbridge, so this is great for us.


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GBP hit $1.04 today. Euro 96 cents, Aussie 64 cents, Yen at 144. Wow.

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Wow, and Dang! If only we had waited until today!

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This is a very mean thread.



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