PPL major at Binghamton

Tell me about PPL major at Binghamton please. What would a first year student schedule look like? My child would be entering with possibly 30 credits from the AP classes. She would also like to go abroad for a semester or a year. Surely that would be doable and graduate in 4 years, right, and even take it relatively easy with a manageable courseload? Is that 4 classes a semester?

Most students take 16 credits a semester (4 classes a semester), but this can vary due to one credit courses such as labs, or other two credit courses. 30 AP credits is great, but keep in mind that all of them may not apply to a major such as PPL, and may only be counted towards elective credit.

If your child is interested in PPL, I suggest looking here:

Can anyone share negatives about PPL major or negative things otherwise about bing other than its lousy location?

@silverpurple Every single major has its negatives. Just like science majors have to take lots of lab courses which can be tiresome and stressful, a PPL major might have lots of papers. As a Political Science major, which shares similarities with PPL, there is a lot of writing and reading involved. For one class, I would be reading over 150+ pages per week, and on top of that, completing assignments that needed to be turned-in online.

And I’d have to argue with you about the location being “lousy.” Binghamton University is lucky to be on Vestal Parkway, which has tons of chain restaurants, from Red Robbin to Olive Garden, and tons of stores like Walmart, Target, Pier1 Imports, a mall by Wegmans…the list goes on. We have a downtown area that has great restaurants like Thai Time, Craft, Dos Rios, The Colonial…many schools do not have these amenities like Binghamton does. An hour away, you have Syracuse and Ithaca (Ithaca has the Ithaca Commons, which I highly recommend). BU definitely doesn’t have a lousy location compared to other schools, in my opinion as a student. If you’re looking for a city environment, you won’t find it in Binghamton.