Pre-Dental Students: Advising Interviews coming up

Hello All,
Dr. Filler , Associate Dean of UAB School of Dentistry, will be coming on Monday, January 26th and Tuesday, January 27th to conduct 1:1 advising interviews with students interested in dental school. These are 30-minute advising appointments designed to help you get your questions answered about dental school and to provide you with feedback to make sure that you are on track for admission to dental school.

Appointments are available, in 30-minute increments, from 9am until 11:30am and then in the afternoon from 1:30pm until 4:30pm on Jan 26 and on Jan 27 from 9:00am until 11:30am and then in the afternoon from 1:30 until 3:30pm. These interviews are a wonderful opportunity to learn firsthand what dental school admissions committees expect, and for you to get INDIVIDUALIZED advice for the remainder of your undergraduate years.

These interviews are for SOPHOMORES AND ABOVE who plan to apply to dental school in the next year or two.
Students who would like to sign up for an advising interview should come to the front office of 200 Clark Hall to sign up for a time and pick up the form that you will need to fill out before your interview. You will bring the completed form with you to your interview. Dress should be interview attire. Interview times are on a first-come basis so make sure to sign up early.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the pre-health advising office at

Thank you,

Health Professions Advising Office

Set up appts here

PREHEALTH-L is the primary means of communication to pre-health professional students at The University of Alabama.