I am currently a high school student and will be attending a UC university in the fall. I know that in order to get into Medical School you need good grades (3.5+) and at least pass the MCAT or score very high on it. Besides that, I understand you need a well-rounded application that includes community service, extracurricular activities, research and maybe clinical experience. I have always known that I have wanted to go to Medical School and I understand, and have been told over and over and over again, that it is a very rigorous process and will not be easy.
I will be a bio major (because I am interested in that subject not just because I think I need to major in bio to get into med school) and I am very prepared for the workload. I will also be on the crew team which is 6 days a week and has practice at 6AM every morning (again, I love doing crew and I am not doing it just for looks on my application). I am also currently a medical research assistant for a hospital nearby the campus. I am planning on gaining service hours here and there throughout my first two years at that hospital and have been told that I will be able to get into the SCRIBE program at the same hospital as a junior. I plan on either doing research at other universities over the summers or maybe volunteering at free clinics abroad… Not sure which one yet. I am not currently enlisted in the honors program, but will be applying for that too. I am planning on keeping my grades as high as I can and doing my best on the MCAT.
I was wondering if anyone has any advice for other extra curriculars I should be doing? Or any opinions on what I shouldn’t be doing? Or just any advice at all would be a great help!