Pre-Med at USciences

Seeking feedback about how good USciences is for the pre-med track.

How are their pre-med advisors? Do they meet with you often and help with your medical school application? Do you get to do mock interviews, and if so, are they helpful?

How approachable are the professors?

Is it easy to get research opportunities as an undergraduate student?

Can you find a current junior or senior attending there and ask them? I’d also be digging a little to see if I could find someone currently in med school from there and ask them.

Also, ask the Pre-med department where recent grads have gotten accepted to med school, not numbers or percentages, but actual places they’ve been accepted to.

Our high school fairly regularly has students apply to and attend there, but I can’t think of any who have expressed wanting pre-med there, so I haven’t heard “feedback” myself.