Pre-med but applying as Philosophy major

That’s great it worked out for your kid. Ideally an LAC is the way to go for my student, but there aren’t many in California. I noticed some LACs consider home equity, while others may not.

@Gumbymom thank you for all this information, I’ve read through the posts a couple of times at least and still trying to absorb the information, thank you again.

If I recall correctly, the cal states do not ask you to list your ECs, just to quantify the number of hours they took. So it shouldn’t matter if her ECs align with her interests for Cal Poly.

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The issue of home equity consideration is huge!

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Cal Poly SLO will ask you to list EC hours/week. Also they ask if the EC’s included leadership along with any jobs that are major related.

Here is the supplemental factors that are considered by each CSU.

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