Pre-Med High School Class's in College?

<p>I am currently a junior i have taken biology,and chemistry in freshman and sophmore year i forgot most of the stuff i learned those years, and plan to go pre-med in college. I want to know if the pre-med class's go over the topics that we all should have learned in high school or do i have to take remedial class's to take the regular class's. If so what should i do now so i can avoid this horrible problem.</p>

<p>they go over the material you were supposed to have learned in HS but at a much quicker pace. The most you can do is just look over notes or a text book the summer before you take them in college...otherwise anything more would just be overkill.</p>

<p>wat if i dont end up taking the class in high school like physics i have such a tight schedule that i couldnt fit it in. So is there like a remedial class's for a class u never took.</p>

<p>i never took physics in HS and then i had to take engineering level intro physics in college and pulled off a'll be fine....i hear the lower level physics is usually even easier but of course you can just pick up a physics textbook and flip through it or something before taking the class...the worst thing you can do is freak out.</p>