Pre-Med: Order of R&C courses for R1A and R1B

I took English R1B in the fall, but medical school normally requires a whole year of english. I was thinking about taking N1A in the summer (the summer version of R1A), but was wondering if I can actually go back to N/R1A after already taking R1B and if it will still count for medical schools. Thank you in advance!

If you take N1A/R1A in the summer, and you have previously taken R1B in the prior fall, then you do not need to take an additional R&C course for medical school – one year of college english translates to two semesters worth of any english/R&C course. However, should you want to, you are allowed to take R1A after taking R1B if you have passed R1B.

You may want to look into whether more advanced College Writing, Rhetoric, or English courses will be accepted by medical schools for their English composition requirements. Examples of courses of potential interest:

College Writing 106 - Writing in the Disciplines
College Writing 110 - Challenging Writing
College Writing 151 - Professional Communication
College Writing 161 - Writing in the Biological Sciences
English 141 - Modes of Writing
English 143various
Rhetoric 107 - Rhetoric of Scientific Discourse
Rhetoric 110 - Advanced Argumentative Writing