Pre-Med Questions

<p>As a class of 2018 student in honors wanting to go pre-med with bio as a major, I was wondering what the best strategy would be towards getting my pre reqs done. I have AP credit already for bio, but really want to take the class again just to reinforce the material and also give my GPA a boost. I take the AP chem test this May, but also want to take the class again for the same reason. Should I take both Bio and Chem freshman year and save Organic Chem for sophomore year so I can focus on that, or am I biting off more than I can chew there? I’d also really be interested in dual-majoring in a liberals arts field, particularly Religious Studies just bc I enjoy both Biology and Religious Studies and find booth fields fascinating, and I think it’d help me gain more out of my college experience. Any advice as far as that goes? Thanks for the input! Roll Tide!</p>

<p>use your ap credits for bio II, since that is boring and has nothing to do with the Mcat. It is so boring that it could hurt your gpa…lol</p>

<p>You can take bio I and gen chem I and II frosh year and then do orgo soph year. that is pretty typical.</p>

<p>take the lightest load you can for soph year so that you can devote to orgo.</p>

<p>as for dual major. Instead of a dual major, which could hurt your gpa, why not just look over the course selections and take the ones that interest you and you have time for? You dont want to have to take a class to finish the major that would hurt your gpa. </p>

<p>Also for Orgo I would recommend getting a tutor from the start of class. Probably cost you anywhere from 40 to 100 an hour but is well worth it. My daughter did this and did great while others who didn’t, killed their GPA. </p>

<p>What if you don’t have that kind of money? Any good cheap resources out there?</p>

<p>See if the Bama tutoring office has Ochem tutors…then it’s free for you.</p>

<p>I don’t agree that you have to have a tutor. My son never had a tutor (he was a tutor for Bama) and he got A’s in both Ochem classes.</p>

<p>If you do get a tutor that YOU have to pay for, you should be able to find someone for $40 or less an hour.</p>

<p>This current semester, Bama provides free tutors for these Chem classes…</p>

<p>Chemistry courses tutored:
CH 101
CH 102
CH 105
CH 117
CH 118
CH 231 ochem I
CH 232 ochem II</p>

<p>Alright awesome! Thanks for the advice! Really helpful!</p>