
Pre-med at Binghampton Uni or Stony Brook Uni? What are you advice?

Looking at it from a purely academic point of view stony brook would be a better option. They are known for health sciences and they have their own medical school and hospital. The downside to stony brook is the whole commuters school aspect of it. Some people really hate that. Binghamton is more residential, you can live on campus or a short drive away and there aren’t as many traffic issues or moron drivers compared to long island. I don’t think the social life at stony brook is not as bad as people say and the food is better than at bing (not really a huge achievement there). And while stony brook has a lot of competitive people you have them at bing as well.

I’m a sophomore pre-med at Binghamton right now, but two years ago, I was in your situation. I chose Binghamton for a few reasons.

  1. Being pre-med is extremely stressful, but I didn’t want it to infringe on the college experience. I wanted to meet new people with differing views and expand my horizons. In my opinion, Binghamton does a really good job in bringing different people together and building lasting friendships. The residential communities help with this.

  2. Most of the pre-meds I’ve met at Binghamton are not competitive. They care about how they do, but they are relaxed and supportive enough that they will not go out of their way to sabotage your experiments or try to take internships/clinical experience away from you. That was not the vibe I got from Stony Brook (especially when 40% of the student population is pre-health).

Being pre-med is stressful enough, and I am very happy at a school that values my mental health.

Are you in Harpur? What college do you get in if you are applying for pre-health? Only Harpur? Or how does it work?