
Are there any current (or former) pre-meds here? I’m curious of your experience at UW. My DD is still considering schools, and UW is one of her top choices.

I’m a current pre-med and I’m planning on transferring to UW Seattle after I finish some organic chemistry at my CC. I’d say it definitely depends on what she’s majoring in. When I was interested in general biology, I visited the head of the department. She was completely rude and made it very clear she thought pre-med students were talking up spaces for students who wanted to pursue a career in biology.
I thought hard and long about what I wanted to actually study. I decided on microbiology, one of the few non-competitive sciences at UW, and I’m visiting in the fall.
I am not sure if you’re child is transferring, if not make sure to take a look at some of the private colleges. Gonzaga and Whitman were on my list for awhile.

Thanks for the reply. She’s going to be a freshman in the fall, and will be studying Chemistry.

Where did you learn that microbiology is a non-competitive science at UW?

Microbiology is a “minimum major,” i.e., it “requires students to complete satisfactorily a set of prerequisite courses with a minimum GPA. All students who meet the minimum requirements are admitted.”

“Department Admission Requirements

“Minimum 75 credits applicable to graduation, with a minimum 2.00 overall cumulative GPA.

“Completion of the following prerequisite courses with a minimum 2.50 cumulative GPA: BIOL 180; BIOL 200 (minimum 2.3 grade); BIOL 220; either CHEM 142, CHEM 152, CHEM 162; or CHEM 143 and CHEM 153; either CHEM 223, CHEM 237, or CHEM 335”